Airbus Completes First A321 XLR Test Flight, Targets 2024 Entry into Service

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Airbus finished the very first test flight of its brand-new A321 XLR airplane, with the flight enduring 4 hours and 35 minutes. (Photo thanks to Airbus/Lutz Borck)

Airbus finished an effective very first test flight of the A321 XLR in Germany, the Toulouse-based airplane producer revealed Wednesday.

The A321 XLR is the current extra-long variety variation of the Airbus A320 household that includes a 700 nautical mile boost over the A321 LR. Throughout the first flight, lasting 4 hours and 35 minutes, the Airbus test pilots and engineers assessed the airplane’s “flight controls, engines and primary systems, consisting of flight envelope defenses, both at low and high speed,” according to the business.

Three fully-instrumented A321 XLRs utilizing CFM’s LEAP-1A and Pratt & Whitney’s GTF engines are being examined as part of the flight test project that will likewise utilize one A321 neo model in the earlier stages.


The flight test instrumentation inside the A321 XLR cabin included in a discussion shared by Airbus.

Airbus established the XLR with a concentrate on making the most of commonness with the remainder of the A321 household, presenting just alters required to accomplish the longer variety. Amongst those modifications are a long-term rear center tank to hold more fuel, customized landing equipment to enhance optimum launch weight to 111 lots and an enhanced wing trailing-edge flap setup to maintain the exact same liftoff efficiency and engine thrust requirements as the A321 neo.

Philippe Mhun, Airbus EVP Programmes and Services, explained conclusion of the very first test flight as a “significant turning point for the A320 household.”

” With the A321 XLR entering into service, airline companies will have the ability to use long-haul convenience on a single aisle airplane, thanks to its special Airspace cabin,” Mhun stated.

Leading up to the very first flight of the A321 XLR in Germany, engineers back at the Airbus head office in Toulouse have actually been practically evaluating the airplane systems in a lab filled with many racks consisting of modules that correspond those inside the avionics bays of the 3 A321 XLR flight-test airplane. The modules are straight connected to the business’s Development Simulator, “S22,” permitting the engineering test pilots to verify the A321 XLR’s “customized flight control system laws, in particular conditions– such as throughout flare or throughout high-speed flight,” according to Airbus.

Middle East Airlines (MEA) is the launch client for the A321 XLR, which has actually generated 500 orders from more than 20 clients, according to the most recent airplane order information launched by Airbus.

MEA’s very first A321 XLR is anticipated to be prepared for passenger-carrying flights by 2024.

Source: Airbus Completes First A321 XLR Test Flight, Targets 2024 Entry into Service

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