50 years ago, freezing sperm dealtwith clinical apprehension

The unpredictability of banking spermScience News, February 26, 1972

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Many guys pondering birthcontrols haveactually been transferring a amount of their semen with sperm banks where, for a cost, it is frozen and saved.… There is broad argument on the length of time that sperm might be frozen and then defrosted and utilized effectively to fertilize a female, with approximates varying from just 16 months to as much as 10 years.


The capability to freeze sperm has assisted make beingaparent possible for millions of individuals, consistingof sterile or same-sex couples and individuals who haveactually gonethrough cancer treatment (SN: 6/19/21, p. 16). Sperm-freezing approaches haveactually enhanced giventhat the 1970s, and researchstudies haveactually revealed that frozen sperm can stay practical for lotsof years, even years. The rate of live births from sperm frozen for up to 15 years at a sperm bank in China was comparable to rates from sperm kept for much muchshorter durations, researchers reported in2019 In 2013, U.S. scientists reported the birth of healthy twins who were developed utilizing sperm that hadactually been frozen for about 40 years.

Source: 50 years ago, freezing sperm dealtwith clinical uncertainty.

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