Erik Allen – Your Past Doesn’t Define You!

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Erik Allen is a podcast host, John Maxwell Certified coach, content creator, and Winner of Ed Mylett’s #MaxoutCommunityChallenge.

After discovering Ed Mylett online in 2018 and aligning with Ed’s values and beliefs, it inspired Erik to start The Erik Allen Show, which launched in January 2019 to highlight Entrepreneurs, World Changers, & Success Minded People! His goal is to help entrepreneurs get known and noticed online. In January 2021, The Erik Allen Show ranked #133 on Apple Podcasts in the US for the Entrepreneur Category! His podcast also ranked #202 in the UK in November last year and currently ranks in the top 2.5% of ALL podcasts GLOBALLY! He consistently brings on amazing and impactful guests and offers self-service and live coaching options.

Your Past Doesn’t Define You

The Erik Allen ShowErik Allen was born and raised in Tri-Cities, Washington, and grew up in what he thought was a typical household. He played little league, went to church on Sunday, and Erik’s Dad would frequently take Erik Allen and his best friend David and take them to go dumpster diving behind big stores or take them to the dump fields and say, “Go find treasure!” Some of Erik’s greatest memories as a kid were with David and his amazing family, who welcomed them in as their own. David’s family had such love for each other, and Erik knew that was what a family was supposed to be like, so he spent as much time as possible with them. Erik met David in first grade, and they are still best friends.

Erik Allen came from a broken home where his parents divorced when he was 11. He says, “My mom got together with a very abusive guy, and he didn’t understand why she never pressed charges.” Erik’s mom would get pregnant, and in the middle of his 8th-grade year, his mom told him they were moving to Stevensville, Montana, with her abusive boyfriend. They rented a house on a beautiful scenic 5-acre plot with two ponds frozen during winter. Their property was about 3/4 of a mile from the Bitterroot River. The house they rented had three bedrooms, one for Erik’s Mom and her boyfriend, one for Erik’s sister, who is four years younger, and one for his half-brother, who was just a few months old. Erik’s room was one-half of the garage with a plastic sheet wall that separated his bed from the truck. Luckily it was the half with the fireplace so that it kept him semi-warm in the negative-degree winters of Montana.

A night impacted Erik Allen and set him on a path of destruction for the next ten years of his life. He was brushing his teeth, and his mom and her boyfriend came home arguing, which was nothing new. However, as Erik brushed his teeth, he felt God telling him, “you need to look around the corner.” So Erik peeked around the bathroom corner to face the kitchen and pantry that was the pathway to Erik’s room. He saw this man on top of his mom, repeatedly punching her in the face. Erik listened to the prompt from God at that moment and snuck up behind them and grabbed a cast iron pan, and swung as hard as he could to the back of the head of his mom’s boyfriend. It split his head open but didn’t knock him out, and he turned around and

said, “What the..” and was met with another powerful swing from Erik, splitting his forehead open. Still not knocking him out, he stood up bleeding and began to yell at Erik as his mom jumped up and landed about six punches in a row to her boyfriend’s face. The police finally

showed up and took him to jail for the night, but Erik’s mom didn’t press charges.

In a recent interview, Erik Allen told M. Curtis McCoy, “I thought I was a hero.” He got kicked out of the house at 13 and went to live with a friend to finish his Freshman year of high school in Montana, then moved back in with his dad in Washington State. His dad rented a house and paid the bills but stayed most nights with his girlfriend, so Erik said he only saw his dad in passing.

Erik Allen got into drugs pretty early on. He said he was smoking pot before and after school and got arrested during his senior year in high school for having a bong. He said, “In 1998, when I was a senior, it was illegal, so I had to go to jail for that. My dad kicked me out two weeks after graduating high school. I woke up to a Post-It note that said, “You can’t comply with house rules, you have 48 hours to get out!”

Between 18 and 21, Erik Allen moved 21 times, living on couches and floors. One of those moves was to Seattle with $100 in his pocket, where he got involved with more drugs, eventually racking up $28,000 in debt. Finally, at only 21 years old, Erik filed for bankruptcy.

Erik Allen landed his dream job with Universal Records and lived a rockstar lifestyle for about a year as he went to 2-3 concerts per week in the Seattle area while having an open tab at the bar. Then in 2004, he got laid off from Universal Records and worked as a night shift manager at Starbucks. A girl walked in who didn’t drink coffee said, “We’ve got a college-age event down at our church. Would you want to go?” Erik said he felt depressed, had no friends, and was an addict at that point, so he said, “Yeah. What time do you need me there?” Erik felt like God was planting a seed at that moment.

Time For A Change

Erik Allen

Erik AllenAbout a month after attending the church event, Erik Allen woke up Easter morning in 2004 after a night of partying and felt God was telling him to change his ways or risk death. At that moment, Erik decided to surrender his life to Jesus and quit drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes cold turkey.

He called that girl, got her voicemail, and said, “Hey, thanks for inviting me to that church event! Hopefully, I’ll see you at the store sometime!” A month later, they were dating, and today they’ve been married for over 17 years with two exceptional children!

Erik says his wife Courtney was an angel that came to him at the right time and truly saved his life. Erik, Courtney, and their two beautiful children live in North Idaho, where they are on a mission to break the chains of divorce, addiction, depression, abuse, lies, and rejection and create a new legacy for future generations based on a biblical foundation. Erik says, “I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for Courtney. She saved my life and has blessed me more than I could ever imagine. Our kids will not experience the broken homes that we both experienced.”

Erik knew that to make a serious change in his lifestyle and stay sober, he had to change his environment. He immediately jumped into action and started attending church on Sunday, a bible study, and taking men from the church out to coffee. He wanted to soak up as much knowledge from men in the church who had great marriages, businesses, and walks with Christ. Erik says, “You need to surround yourself with people living the life you want to live. Being in their presence will help you grow, motivate and inspire you to improve in all areas.”

Once Erik realized that his past and other people’s opinions of him didn’t define his future, he knew the doors of opportunity were wide open. He is on a mission to impact as many people as possible by sharing his story and encouraging others to share their stories.

Winning The Day

The Erik Allen Show

Erik Allen is big on morning routines and wakes up at 4 am six days a week. He sees waking up early as an opportunity to get a head start on the day. Erik says, “the key to winning the day is stacking the wins as early as possible. It’s a goal of mine to wake up each day, so if I open my eyes, I see that as win #1. I immediately am grateful and thank Jesus for another day to see, hug, and hold my family.” Win #2 for Erik is making the bed each morning. He says that small wins matter, so he feels he can get two wins in the first 15 seconds by starting his day this way.

One of the top questions Erik gets asked about his morning routine is why you wake up at 4 am. Erik’s answer is, “My desire to be successful is bigger than my desire to sleep!”. Now on the flip side of that, it means that Erik is no longer the party animal he once was and is usually asleep by 9:30 pm on most nights.

Erik Allen says, “Most people wake up and don’t have a plan, so they get lost looking at social media and go down a rabbit hole of reels and memes. I would highly recommend that you write down your task list before you go to sleep. This way, when you wake up, you know exactly what you need to do to make the day successful.”

Top Rated MMA

Erik Allen launched an apparel company called Top Rated MMA in 2012, and it evolved into a podcast in 2017 where he asked MMA fighters why they wanted to get into a cage and get punched in the face. The show’s growth spread like wildfire across the globe as he spoke to upcoming and well-known fighters like Ken Shamrock, Chris Leben, and many others. In December of 2021, after 256 episodes, Erik officially signed off the air for the final time with the Top Rated MMA Show.

The Erik Allen Show Podcast

Erik Allen

Starting in January 2019, with a friend who had at the time climbed six of the seven highest peaks in the world, Erik officially launched The Erik Allen Show. Erik had early success by landing Sean Whalen, Founder of Lions Not Sheep, in episode 8, followed by Ed Mylett in episode 12, and the list of world changers continues to grow. Erik has been blessed to speak with Hardcore Closer Ryan Stewman, Eric Legrand, Tim Storey, Jim “The Rookie” Morris, Brad Lea, Bedros Keuilian, Greg Reid, Brian Covey, Martha Krejci, David Meltzer, Dan Caldwell (Found of Tapout), Jordan Montgomery, Tom McCarthy and many more.

In 2021, Erik Allen set a goal to be a guest on 100 other podcasts and ended up completing 117 interviews as a guest on other people’s shows and released 100 episodes of his own podcasts that same year. This allowed Erik to learn how other podcasters were running, editing, promoting, and releasing their show.

Erik’s show runs for 30 minutes with each guest, diving into how they got to where they are today, what they’re doing now, and their plans for the future. In addition, he tries to highlight his guests’ strengths throughout the conversation to promote them, learn about their moments of failure and celebrate their successes! Erik offers a self-service course and 1:1 coaching where he deep-dives into where to host your podcast, what equipment you need, how to get ranked, how to get reviews, and how to land the big-name guests to make your podcast a success.

Collaboration Is Key

Erik credits his podcasting success to collaborating with like-minded people and brands and doesn’t see anyone as a competition. Erik says, “The world is filled with people who need help in their own way, and while I might be able to help some people, there will be people that will connect well with someone else. The key to making a massive impact on the world is connecting with other people, podcasts, and brands with a similar mission.” Erik has worked with his great friends Gary and Tim Hopf, the Founders of Tigatu, a lifestyle clothing company. Their motto is “Freedom From Ordinary,” which is how Erik likes to live his life. All of Erik’s photos in this article were taken by Tim and his company Moonhed Media.

How Does Someone Become A Guest On The Erik Allen Show?

Erik AllenErik Allen has a target list of prominent guests he’s going after, and he said, “if I bring additional guests into the show, it pulls me away from that list.” Initially, he wasn’t accepting inbound requests to be a guest on the show, but he recently added that option. Erik says, “If being a guest on The Erik Allen Show for PR or branding purposes is something a potential guest needs and can help their brand, they should reach out to me.” He does offer inbound guest requests to join the show for a fee.

When an inbound guest request decides to move forward with joining Erik on the show, their show then takes priority and is released within two weeks, and the guest is given the full show, trailer, and artwork to use as they wish. Apply to be a guest on The Erik Allen Show.

The Erik Allen Show sells ad space and has three options available, Gold, Platinum (30-second spot), and Multi-Platinum (60-second spot) levels. The Platinum and Multi-Platinum levels give you two shout-outs per week versus just one on the Gold level. There are VERY LIMITED spots available each month! For more details, be sure to check out the sponsorship page.

What is Erik Allen Media?

Erik Allen Media is Erik’s company, where he focuses on not only impacting lives through The Erik Allen Show but also offers coaching and content creation for brands. Erik has helped brands with their How To Videos, Explainer Videos, Box Opening Videos, Audiobooks, Voiceover projects, and more. He has worked with brands in apparel, beard, insurance, beverage, holster, toy, marketing, podcast, tech industries, and many more.

Operation Life

Erik Allen and his friend and business partner Ian Inman who is a coach of a 7-figure Kingdom coaching academy and an awarded US Army staff sergeant who has won 5 Best Warrior Competitions, 2 Special Forces Commando Competitions, and completed the US Army Airborne, Air Assault, SERE, SEMA, & Recruiter courses, just launched another company called Operation Life. Operation Life is “helping men of all calibers go from ‘I’m lost, confused, and defeated’ to ‘I command my life’s purpose, passion, prosperity, and power.'”. In other words, they are helping men turn their trials into triumphs!

Erik Allen – Recent Press

Erik Allen on the Dropping Bombs Podcast with Brad LeaBesides being on the cover of News Wire Magazine, Erik Allen has been on Brad Lea’s Dropping Bombs podcast and featured on NASDAQ. Erik Allen also signed a book publishing deal earlier this year and is currently writing the book. His book should be published in Q1 of next year.

Erik Allen is living proof; your past doesn’t define you! Stop making excuses. Use your struggles to make you stronger!

Picture of Shawn French

Shawn French

Shawn French is a contributing editor at News Wire Magazine. He's also an author, sales performance coach, and host of The Determined Society Podcast. Shawn French has spent the last ten years excelling in high-pressure corporate sales. Over the last decade, Shawn French has risen to the top 5% of each sales organization he has been a part of. Shawn is a proponent of executing high-performance habits in his daily routine, which led him to go from rock bottom broke to high 6-Figures in 6 months back in 2015. Shawn is committed to helping struggling sales professionals create the same results in their lives. He has reinvented himself several times, and now he is showing others that they can do the same.
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Erik Allen – Your Past Doesn’t Define You!

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