Shane Appell on the cover of News Wire Magazine

Shane Appell – Using Music To Uplift & Inspire His Fans

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Shane Appell hanging out

Shane Appell is a multi-instrumentalist singer/songwriter who has touched many lives with his courage and passion, aiding aspiring artists by providing advice and support. His new songs encourage listeners to reach for their dreams and live better lives.

Shane’s story is inspiring: with the support of his friends, one of his recent songs went viral after being posted on TikTok. (Follow Shane Appell on TikTok if you aren’t already). He encourages others to believe in themselves and take risks to follow their dreams. His story offers hope to those afraid to reach their full potential.

Shane Appell on Gaining Confidence

Shane gained the confidence to pursue his dream by posting songs on social media and performing in public. His unwavering dedication has allowed him to reach new listeners and hone his talent. In addition, he inspires those who fear the music industry, showing them that anything is possible with hard work and perseverance.

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Record Label Vs. Self Release

Shane Appell self-releases his songs to take complete control – from rights and royalties to fan engagement and quicker turnaround times. He says self-releasing ensures artistic independence and avoids potential conflicts arising from contracts with record labels.

Building A Loyal Following

Shane Appell uses social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to build a loyal fan base. He uploads behind-the-scenes clips of himself in the recording studio and creative videos, singing in various locations and situations, enabling fans to connect with him on a deeper level. Additionally, Shane’s humorous posts featuring his dogs have proven to be an effective way to engage with people and boost his recognition within the music industry.

Shane says, “I try to post three times a day of me singing. I put my phone down and post skits and funny stuff like my dogs in the background. Everyone finds that funny, making me relatable to people who don’t know me yet.”

Shane Appell playing pianoShane Appell knows that the importance of social media in music promotion is undeniable, as it helps to create a much larger reach with fans and easily share content. One of his recent videos gained 4,000,000+ views in a couple of weeks, proving that social media can have a considerable impact. Shane says, “It’s a no-brainer – using social media to promote yourself produces excellent results.”

Shane Appell advises that when promoting yourself online, be prepared for criticism. His dream of singing was supported by his family and friends, making it an invaluable asset in his career. As Shane puts it: “My parents and friends support me a lot in my singing career because that’s what I’m passionate about.”

Press Coverage / Appearances

Shane Appell singingShane Appell recently performed on The Today Show in Long Island for the Famous Food Festival. He said, “It was fantastic to experience a professional production set-up and learn all the different aspects of performing on stage versus singing in a room.” His performance alongside other artists made it an unforgettable experience.


Shane Appell is currently honing in on his mixed R&B and club music genre, intending to perform on more big stages in the future. His first song taught him a valuable lesson about the cost of creating music, so he’s been exploring more cost-effective options than in-studio production.

Shane Appell, singer/songwriter plating drums

Shane Appell is exploring different ways to produce music and save money, including recording at home, sending songs to other experts who help him promote, and starting from scratch in the studio. He’s determined to find a cost-effective way to create engaging music and share his stories with the world.

Advice from Shane Appell on Staying Positive

Shane Appell urges others to stay positive and surround themselves with people who lift them up. He believes it’s important to distance yourself from those that bring you down.

He encourages people to put a little pressure on themselves, doing uncomfortable things. He said, “it’s hard to help someone who won’t take the initiative to help themselves.”

His final advice is, “Focus on keeping a positive attitude and forming relationships that will make you stronger.”

Shane Appell believes that optimism is the key to success, and it starts with a simple shift in perspective. He urges people to take control of their lives, have faith in themselves, and never give up. With his passion for music and dedication to helping others, Shane Appell exemplifies how positivity can set you apart from the crowd.

News Wire Magazine
Shane Appell – Using Music To Uplift & Inspire His Fans

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M. Curtis McCoy

M. Curtis McCoy is a motivational speaker, bestselling author & founder of News Wire Magazine.

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