Ian G. Kay on the cover of News Wire Magazine

Ian G. Kay – Creating Value in Every Venture

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Ian Gregory Kay builds innovative brands and motivates teams to deliver groundbreaking products that improve people’s lives. As a hands-on coach and strategist, he leads by example, guiding others to think creatively and push the limits of what’s possible. His approach to leadership is centered around empowering people, helping them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Ian G. Kay consistently delivers results by transforming challenges into opportunities, inspiring those around him to grow and succeed. Through his work, he creates a lasting impact with the products he and the Cisco Sales Corp. team develop and the people he leads.

Getting to know Ian Gregory Kay

Ian KayMeeting Ian Kay for the first time is like stepping into a room filled with charisma and optimism. He lifts spirits just by being around; his story sticks with you—a story built on perseverance and a positive outlook.

Growing up with a congenital heart defect (Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis), Ian G. Kay faced challenges that many never have to think about. “Numerous doctor appointments, hospital visits, and surgeries marked my early years. It was a tough journey that wasn’t clear in the beginning. Nevertheless, it shaped who I am today,” he shares. Those early experiences didn’t just make him resilient; they gave him a deep well of empathy and a strong desire to help others rise above their challenges.

The conversation flows easily, marked by the natural camaraderie of old friends reconnecting. Ian’s journey, shaped by early struggles, has made him a leader who understands the power of determination and the importance of supporting others. Ian G. Kay intends to empower children and adults who are experiencing heart health issues, which can be confusing, scary, and challenging to cope with.

Building Brands and Products

Ian Gregory Kay’s career has been defined by a series of innovative ventures that reflect his ability to identify market needs and deliver solutions that provide real value. One of his standout creations is the Beckford Bar, a converging chest press fly motion push-up bar that’s both effective and portable. It is designed to bring a comprehensive upper-body workout into the home (or as a supplemental tool to weight training) without the need for bulky gym equipment.

Named after iconic supermodel Tyson Beckford, the Beckford Bar quickly gained traction, especially during the COVID-19 lockdowns, when home workouts became essential, and the masses were forced to rethink how they train and where they exercise with or without a mask. “We aimed to make an affordable and adaptable strength training tool,” Ian Kay explains. Sales spiked as people sought alternatives to gym routines. The Beckford Bar became a valuable apparatus for many looking to stay fit while confined to their homes or garage gyms.

The concept for the Beckford Bar came from Tyson Beckford but also grew out of Ian’s fitness challenges and limitations. After two open-heart surgeries, he found it difficult to maintain a workout regimen with traditional gym equipment and a busy work schedule. “I needed something effective and convenient,” Ian G. Kay says. The Beckford Bar, born out of necessity, offers a solution many others found helpful. Its design allows various exercises to build upper-body strength and endurance while building your core (in plank position) and developing a bigger, leaner, and broader chest without taking up space or requiring expensive equipment access to a gym or health club.

Ian recalls the early days in 2013 when he developed the Beckford Bar with his team: “We spent countless hours testing prototypes Tyson was using behind the scenes, going through different designs until we got it right.” With input from fitness experts, industry titans, and engineers, they created a product that worked and made a difference. “Seeing it come together and help people stay fit during such a difficult time was incredibly rewarding.”

Ian’s knack for creating problem-solving products didn’t stop with the Beckford Bar. He also developed the PickleZapper™, a handheld electric bug zapping racket designed as a safer, more fun alternative to traditional bug repellents and other portable bug zappers that have been around for over 20 years. “The PickleZapper™ aids people to take charge of their environment and promotes health and well-being by maintaining a bug-free zone,” Ian says. “It’s an affordable, effective solution that avoids harmful pesticides while being entertaining.”

Neil J. Kay & Ian G. KayThis pest control device was born from Ian’s father’s mind, Neil J. Kay, as a desire to solve everyday problems creatively, with Pickleball being America’s fastest-growing sport. Both Ian Gregory Kay and his business partner (dad) Neil Kay are co-inventors. “We saw a gap in the market for a unique bug zapper design that was safe, sleek, effective, and chemical-free,” he explains. The PickleZapper™ also uses a purple UV light to attract and eliminate mosquitos and flying bugs, making it especially appealing to families with kids and pets.

Like the Beckford Bar, the PickleZapper’s development wasn’t without its challenges. “There were moments when we thought it wouldn’t work,” Ian recalls. “We had to experiment with dual features, manual mode, and in the hands free stand with UV lighting and button options, but the trial and error paid off.” The product has since been well-received, with customers praising its effectiveness and contribution to the Pickleball community.”

Ian G. Kay and his father, Neil, continue to bring creativity and practicality to their joint ventures and collaborations, delivering products and merchandise that solve real problems and make everyday life just a little bit better.

Overcoming Personal Challenges

Ian G. Kay’s journey is one of resilience and determination. Born with a congenital heart defect known as Aortic Stenosis, he faced two open-heart surgeries that shaped his outlook on life and fueled his drive to succeed. From an early age, Ian learned to channel his energy into what he could control—his mindset and attitude. This focus, aligned with his gratitude, has become the cornerstone of his personal brand and professional life.

His health struggles brought moments of deep reflection and growth. “I wasn’t sure I’d make it through at times, but my faith remained,” he says. Those experiences instilled in him an unwavering resilience and a positive outlook. His recovery after surgery was challenging, requiring physical strength, mental grit, and fortitude, yet Ian G. Kay remained dedicated to staying strong for both himself and his support system.

In addition to his heart condition, Ian navigated life with Tourette Syndrome. This experience strengthened his sense of self and deepened his connection with others. “Tourette’s gave me a unique perspective on mental health and self-acceptance,” he explains. Embracing his differences, Ian found compassion and empathy that shaped his approach to leadership and mentoring.

Middle school brought its challenges, with bullying and isolation. However, Ian G. Kay leaned on his family and close friends for support, emerging stronger and more determined. Today, that perseverance defines Ian’s approach to life—empathetic, driven, and intentional about making a meaningful impact.

The Power of Mindset and Belief

Ian Kay

Ian Gregory Kay lives by the principle that mindset, backed by action with intention, is everything. He firmly believes that a positive attitude and strong self-belief (self-efficacy) are vital in overcoming obstacles. “Your mindset is everything,” he says. Real progress happens when you believe in yourself and trust that you can conquer any challenge, and your true character is tested.”

Faith has been a guiding force in Ian’s journey. “I put my faith in the process and God,” he explains. This spiritual belief has kept him grounded and focused, even during difficult times. This combination of faith and mindset drives him to stay resilient and pursue his goals with clarity.

Ian G. Kay also emphasizes the importance of daily gratitude and mindfulness in maintaining a positive outlook. “Gratitude is a powerful tool,” he says. “It shifts your focus to the good, even when things feel tough.” This practice has become a crucial part of his routine, helping him stay present and appreciate life’s small victories.

Every morning, Ian follows a (mantra) routine that sets the tone for his day. “I wake up around 6 AM, spend the first 15 minutes meditating and stretching, and then write down three things I’m grateful for,” he shares. By doing this, Ian reinforces his focus on the positive and sets clear intentions for the day ahead. This conscious start helps him maintain mental clarity, adaptability, and the energy to tackle whatever comes his way.

Leadership and Innovation

His personal experiences and values deeply shape Ian Kay’s leadership philosophy. It is centered on the concept of heart-led leadership. “Heart-led leadership is about connecting with people on a human level,” he says. For Ian, leadership starts with empathy, accountability, effective communication, and forgiveness. These principles guide how he leads his teams, ensuring that every interaction is rooted in understanding and genuine care.

As a creative director overseeing various brands and projects, Ian G. Kay ensures his leadership aligns with his core values. “Leadership is not just about giving orders or delegating,” he emphasizes. “It’s about setting an example and being there for your team.” Ian’s approach involves creating an inclusive, collaborative environment where team members feel supported and empowered to grow. He believes a great leader acts as a mentor, not just a boss, guiding others while fostering their strengths.

He manages his personal and professional life carefully. “Time management and setting boundaries are crucial,” he notes. It’s important to focus on work and make time for yourself and your family. This balance is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being, which directly impacts how he leads.

Ian’s leadership style emphasizes the human touch, especially in today’s tech-driven world. “With AI and technology becoming more prevalent, the human element is more important than ever,” he explains. For Ian, heart-led leadership means leading with empathy and connecting emotionally, ensuring his teams feel valued, heard, and understood.

Communication and accountability are also key pillars of his philosophy. “Clear communication is vital for any team’s success,” Ian says. “Setting expectations and holding each other accountable keeps the team aligned. But it’s equally important to create a space where people feel safe to express their ideas and concerns.”

Ian G. Kay recalls a challenging moment during a high-pressure project. “We were working on a tight deadline for a major product launch. Tensions were high, and mistakes were made. Instead of blaming anyone, we sat down as a team and discussed what went wrong and how to improve.” That moment, Ian believes, brought the team closer, reinforcing the importance of open dialogue and shared responsibility.

Advice for Aspiring Inventors and Entrepreneurs

Ian KayIan Gregory Kay offers practical and hard-earned advice for inventors and entrepreneurs looking to make their mark. “The internet is a powerful tool,” he says. He stresses the importance of using it to research, gather feedback, and connect with potential customers to form a sense of community. “Create surveys, ask for feedback, and don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your network can provide insights that are invaluable early on.”

For Ian, networking and finding mentors are key steps to success. “Find someone in the position you want to be in and learn from them,” he advises. “The power of proximity is real. Being close to successful people can inspire and guide you.” He believes surrounding yourself with knowledgeable doers helps you stay motivated and learn faster.

According to Ian, innovation requires adaptability and persistence. “Be willing to evolve,” he emphasizes. Your idea might change over time, and that’s part of the process. The key is to keep pushing forward and learning from your failures to re-adjust.” Ian encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to embrace challenges as opportunities to grow.

He also highlights the importance of market research and validation. “Before launching your product, ensure there’s a demand for it,” Ian G. Kay advises. “Conduct surveys, gather feedback, and refine your idea based on the insights you receive.” This ensures you’re meeting a real market need and saves time and resources.

Building a solid network is another piece of essential advice from Ian. “Surround yourself with people who inspire and support you. Networking can open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable mentorship.” Ian’s journey was shaped by mentors who guided him through the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Ian Kay shared: “I remember feeling out of place at networking events, but I made myself introduce myself to people, ask questions, and learn from their experiences. Those connections became invaluable as I navigated the ups and downs of building a business.” His story serves as a reminder that persistence, commitment to a career, and strong relationships are the cornerstones of entrepreneurial success.

Final Thoughts and Motivation

Ian Kay leaves readers with one simple but powerful message: “Do as if you can’t fail.” He acknowledges that failure is inevitable but believes it’s essential for growth. “You will fail, and that’s how you learn. Study your losses, learn from them, and keep moving forward,” he advises.

Ian’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, empathy, and maintaining a positive perspective on life. His work reflects a deep commitment to helping others and making a positive impact. “We’re all here to coexist and help one another,” Ian says. He believes everyone has unique gifts, and it’s our responsibility to use them to better the world and the people that inhabit the Earth.

He encourages readers to embrace failure as part of the process. “Success isn’t about avoiding failure; it’s about bouncing back stronger each time. Keep your focus on your goals, and don’t let setbacks hold you back,” he says.

Beyond his professional success, Ian G. Kay is passionate about giving back. His philanthropic efforts are a vital part of who he is. “Whether through my work or personal initiatives, I strive to make a difference in people’s lives,” he shares. Some of his proudest moments involved donating Beckford Bars to a local health center for rehabilitation patients and people seeking a unique way to strengthen their upper body and cognitive function. “Seeing its impact on people’s recovery and physique was incredibly rewarding. Helping people regain their strength and improve their quality of life is why I do what I do,” he reflects.

Ian’s final thoughts serve as a reminder that courage, giving back, and staying positive are the keys to personal and professional success.


Ian G. Kay’s story is one of true inspiration and relentless innovation. From overcoming significant personal health challenges to designing impactful products like the Beckford Bar and PickleZapper, Ian’s journey showcases the power of perseverance and a positive mindset. His heart-led leadership and commitment to helping others offer powerful lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and anyone seeking to make a meaningful impact.

As Ian Gregory Kay continues to push boundaries and inspire those around him near and far, his message remains clear: embrace challenges, maintain a positive outlook, and always strive to leave a positive mark on the world. For those interested in following Ian’s journey and connecting with him, he’s active on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok—ready to share his insights and continue uplifting others with his story.

Get Connected with Ian G. Kay

To stay updated on Ian Kay’s latest projects and insights, be sure to follow and connect with him on social media:

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Ian G. Kay – Creating Value in Every Venture

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M. Curtis McCoy

M. Curtis McCoy is a motivational speaker, bestselling author & founder of News Wire Magazine.

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