Picture of Tonni Lea
Tonni Lea is a contributing editor at News Wire Magazine. She has the heart to see lives healed and changed in many ways. Tonni Lea isn’t afraid of new challenges. She has published four books, with one being an Amazon bestseller. Tonni Lea is currently writing her 5th book. She has become a TV host of her show, Healing Hearts in 12 Steps, on Traverse TV. Tonni Lea engages with women hurt by betrayal, trauma, and abuse. She developed a 12-step video program that helps in their healing journey. Recently Tonni Lea organized and produced her first conference with the help of M. Curtis McCoy and Sponsorship from News Wire Magazine.

Latest Articles by Tonni Lea

Anita Lucia on the cover of News Wire Magazine

Anita Lucia – Triumphantly Risen

Like many of today’s inspirational leaders, author and transformational speaker Anita Lucia survived incredible traumatic child abuse, abandonment, and life-altering experiences as a young child.

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