If you want your videos to succeed on YouTube, you need to build an audience for them. This is no different from any other types of content you upload online. There’s little point in having a website or blog if you only manage ten visitors a week, mostly your friends and family. You can write books and place them on Amazon, but they will stay unsold if you don’t promote them. Even your Instagram images will remain unviewed if you don’t have any Instafollowers, and don’t make your pictures viewable to other interested people.

All of these types of content benefit from your implementing good search engine optimization (SEO). When you hear the phrase search engine, you probably think about Google and wonder whether your videos will appear in Google searches. Well, it is possible, as quite a few YouTube videos make it onto the front page of Google search results nowadays. But even if your video doesn’t make it near the top of a Google search, you can still help it appear high in the YouTube listings. This is because YouTube now includes the second largest search engine on the internet.

YouTube Title Generator: 

Free YouTube Title Generator powered by AI

One of the most vital types of SEO for your YouTube is optimizing the titles for your videos. We now a Free YouTube Title Generator to help you create the best Title ideas for your Youtube videos. Simply enter the subject of your video, and our title generator will suggest a selection of catchy, optimized titles for you to adapt and use. 

Why Worry About the Title of Your YouTube Videos?

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good title to your video’s success. If you don’t have a compelling title, you will find that people will tend to bypass your video, even if they see it as a YouTube suggestion. And once people start ignoring your videos, you will find that YouTube starts to avoid placing them in their search results and video recommendations too. If YouTube doesn’t bring up your videos in searches, then there is little, if any, likelihood that people will find them in Google, either.

What Should You Look for in Your Video Titles?

1. Remember to Include Your Main Keyword

Spend time crafting a relevant and engaging title that includes your main keyword. First, however, you need to ensure that sufficient people search for your keyword term. There is little point ranking for a keyword nobody uses.

When you find a suitable keyword for your video, make sure you use it precisely in your video title. For example, if you’re trying to rank for “influencer marketing tips,” make sure you use those three words in that order. This is slightly different from how you would use keywords in a blog post or on a webpage, where you should use keywords multiple times and vary them across the page. You only have one video title, so you should include the exact keyword term you are targeting.

Of course, as with all SEO, don’t keyword stuff your video titles with multiple keywords. Your title has to sound natural and compelling. A title like “An Organic Gardener Gardening in the Garden, Planting Lettuce Seeds to Grow Lettuces Organically” may use multiple keywords but won’t even attract the most green-fingered person.

2. Avoid Clickbait – Make Sure Your YouTube Title Matches Your Video’s Content

Your video title should summarize what the video is all about. So don’t use a clickbait title to gain people’s attention unless your video will deliver on their expectations. People become angry and frustrated if they click on videos that don’t match what a title says. They then quickly back out to look for a more appropriate video and make a mental note not to watch any more of your videos. Both YouTube and Google notice this activity and begin to lower your videos down the rankings.

3. Improve Your Click Thru Rate (CTR)

When somebody sees your video in the YouTube or Google search results, they will choose to click on it or bypass it and instead click on someone else’s video. They will generally make their decision on the attractiveness of your video title along with your chosen thumbnail and the relevance of your video description.  Somebody clicking on your video is a sign to YouTube and Google that it’s a video that people want to view.

Some factors that improve CTR include:

  • Use a number in your title – just as list posts are typically popular for blogs, list videos often attract people on YouTube. If you don’t want to make a list video, you can still include another type of number, e.g., “How to Earn $200 a Day Without Leaving the Couch.”
  • Use a few attention-grabbing, eye-catching words in your video title – without making it clickbait.
  • Make your title specific and reveal enough detail to draw in your viewers.

Be careful with using emotional words, however. While emotional titles and headlines were trendy five years ago, people have suffered too much clickbait since then and no longer click through to videos or other media based on claimed emotional content.

Another point to consider if you use Twitter is that there has been a 494% growth since 2017 in the number of YouTube videos shared on Twitter. YouTube has always been popular on Twitter, but their videos are now the most used graphic source for Twitter headlines. YouTube videos now also dominate Facebook, with over 3000% growth in YouTube videos shared on Facebook since 2017. YouTube videos with compelling titles are far more likely to be clicked on and shared on social sites.

4. Use Our YouTube Title Generator to Perfect Your Titles

As we mentioned above, one of the best ways to generate a YouTube title that potential viewers will notice is to put your keywords into our YouTube Title Generator. It will suggest titles on which people will want to click. After that, you just need to ensure that your video meets their expectations.

Go Back and Optimize the Titles of Your Old Videos

You probably have a back catalog of videos that haven’t experienced great click-thru rates, and which have languished without many people viewing them. As long as their content is still up-to-date and you believe that they will continue to be of value to people, you could consider going back and reoptimizing these videos.  As part of this, change their titles to something more compelling and SEO-optimized.

Ideally, you should begin this process by visiting your YouTube Analytics and looking at your view numbers for each video. Focus on your videos with the least number of views. Start at the bottom, and decide which videos are worth resurrecting. Then go into our YouTube Title Generator and enter the relevant keywords for each video. If you initially didn’t choose keywords when you uploaded the videos, you can select some now. 

Take a look at the titles that our title generator suggests and select one for each video that matches the video content. Repromote these old videos with their new titles. If these don’t work, you can always repeat the process later, possibly even re-editing your videos if you think you can improve them and add value. At the same time, make sure your thumbnail matches your new title.

Other Ways to Improve Your Video SEO

While your video’s title, description, and tags all have an essential part in improving the chances of people finding your video, there are other important factors. These include:

  1. Ensure your video has an engaging thumbnail. Many viewers will select your video to play purely because they are intrigued by the thumbnail you present. Therefore, you need to ensure your thumbnail is relevant and compelling. If possible, include a person in your thumbnail. Wistia found that videos with custom human thumbnails receive a 30% higher play rate than those without.
  2. Don’t automatically choose YouTube as your video host. While YouTube is often the ideal video host, there are exceptions. YouTube is best when you are focusing on increasing brand awareness. However, if you are trying to build traffic to your site, YouTube is less suitable, as that great SEO you’ve generated with your title leads people to YouTube rather than your site. You often lose people after they’ve watched your video when they click on “Next Video” or select another suggested video. If you are focusing on conversions, you will do better to use an alternative hosting platform. For example, Wistia inserts SEO metadata to increase the chances of people finding your video and then staying to look around your site.
  3. Inserting a video transcript makes it easier for people to view your videos in situations where they don’t want sound, e.g., when watching videos when people near them are sleeping. In addition, the search bots can scrape your video transcripts, making it easier for them to rank your videos for more queries.
  4. If you embed your video in a website, rather than people watching it on YouTube, ensure that the video is relevant to the web page and optimize the rest of the page for SEO. Also, as Google typically only indexes one video per page, make sure that you have your most important video first on the page.

Source: YouTube Title Generator: Create Engaging Titles for Your YouTube Videos with this Free Tool

YouTube Title Generator: Create Engaging Titles for Your YouTube Videos with this Free Tool - Click To Share

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