Shared arrangement of websites for Travellers is a design to follow | Letter

Your editorial (8 February) criticising the draft authorities expense for more marginalising the currently separated Traveller neighborhood is both timeous and precise. Rather than continued dependence within the expense on the sledgehammer technique of moving the issue of unauthorised encampments from one location to another – a shown pricey failure – both main and regional federalgovernments oughtto appearance to duplicate little successes from the past.

In the 1980s and 90s, Strathclyde local council, in collaboration with main federalgovernment, the 19 constituent district councils and agents of the Traveller neighborhood, established a network of serviced authorised websites for Traveller usage throughout the area, the expenses of which were shared by all councils, whether or not they really hosted a website.

While such an ingenious policy needed sustained political dedication, and on celebration produced debate and friction, it was broadly effective in guaranteeing the accessibility of protected lodging for a maltreated minority, while at the exactsame time enhancing understanding and understanding inbetween the Traveller and settled neighborhoods.

Phil Murray

Linlithgow, West Lothian

Source: Shared arrangement of websites for Travellers is a design to follow | Letter.

Shared provision of sites for Travellers is a model to follow | Letter - Click To Share

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