Valued Scythian Gold Artifacts Returned to Ukraine by Dutch Museum, Defying Russia’s Demands

KYIV, UKRAINE - NOVEMBER 28: Members of journalism take images of a reproduction of the Golden Scythian Pectoral from Tovsta Mohyla showed at the Treasury of the National Museum of History of Ukraine on November 28, 2023 in Kyiv, Ukraine. After practically 10 years of lawsuits, the 'Scythian Gold' collection of artifacts from 4 Crimean museums, which existed at the exhibit

Members of journalism take images of a reproduction of the Golden Scythian Pectoral from Tovsta Mohyla showed at the Treasury of the National Museum of History of Ukraine on November 28, 2023 in Kyiv, Ukraine. (Photo by Dmytro Larin/ Global Images Ukraine through Getty Images)

A Dutch museum has actually returned some 400 cultural treasures to Ukraine, ending an almost decade-long ownership fight prompted by Russia’s 2014 addition of Crimea.

The artifacts showed up on Sunday at the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine in Kyiv, according to the Allard Pierson Museum, a historic museum in Amsterdam which had actually obtained them from 4 museums in Crimea for the exhibit “Crimea– Gold and Secrets of the Black Sea.”

Amongst the works displayed were valued Scythian gold items, consisting of a gold helmet from the 4th century BCE and a two-pound gold locket.

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The program opened one month before Russia got into and annexed Crimea in 2014, and later on both Ukraine and the 4 Crimean museums required the artifacts be returned– leaving the Allard Pierson in a legal dilemma.

“This was a diplomatic immunity, in which cultural heritage ended up being a victim of geopolitical advancements,” Els van der Plas, director of the Amsterdam museum, stated in a declaration.

Following a series of lower court choices, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled in June that the museum should return the treasures to Ukraine, not to the museums in Crimea. Rostyslav Karandeev, Ukraine’s culture minister, revealed the judgment last Wednesday, thanking the Allan Pierson for safekeeping the gold for 9 years. Karandeev has actually worried that the works belong in Ukraine since Crimea was Ukrainian area at the time of the loan, and might be taken by Russia if they went back to Crimea following its addition.

After the gold got here securely in Kyiv, a representative for the University of Amsterdam stated, “We’re pleased that these things are now gone back to their genuine owners.”

The 4 Crimean museums– the Central Museum of Tavrida, the Kerch Historical and Cultural Preserve, the Bakhchisaray History and Cultural State Preserve of the Republic of Crimea and the National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos– keep that the artifacts ought to return to Crimea as stated by the initial loan contracts.

[The collection] comes from Crimea and should exist,” Dmitry S. Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson, informed press reporters at a press conference on Monday, per Interfax, a Russian news company, and as estimated by the New York TimesAccording to court files evaluated by the Timesthe overall worth of the things is around $1.5 million.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy admired the Dutch Supreme Court’s judgment, composing on the social media network X, that the works “can not be gone back to Crimea for an apparent factor– it can not be offered to the occupier, the burglar.” He included that the artifacts will be reunited to their organizations of origins in Crimea at a later time when the peninsula rejoins Ukraine.

“Of course, it will remain in Crimea,” he stated, “when the Ukrainian flag will remain in Crimea.”

Source: Treasured Scythian Gold Artifacts Returned to Ukraine by Dutch Museum, Defying Russia’s Demands

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