If you’re selling online, product images are deal-breakers. They matter a lot, even more so if you’re selling on Amazon where you’re competing with millions of other sellers. As one of the most popular online marketplaces across the globe, you need to optimize every element to help your products stand out on Amazon. 

Whether you’re selling expensive camera equipment or your own handmade products, there are a couple of requirements and optimization tips that apply to all product images. Here are 11 easy-to-implement tips that will help you to improve your views and generate more revenue.

How to Optimize Amazon Product Images in 11 Simple Steps:

1. Stick to Amazon’s requirements for product images

First things first, you need to get the Amazon image ratios, sizes, and dimensions correct. If you don’t, all the other strategies will go to waste as Amazon will simply reject your product listing. 

The general agreement is that the best Amazon image ratio is a square image (1:1) with the dimensions of 2,000 pixels by 2,000 pixels. Other important product image requirements that you should take note of are:

  • Your product images’ background color must be pure white (this is RGB 255, 255, 255 on the color wheel).
  • JPEG is the best file format for your Amazon product images, but you may also use PNG, GIF, or TIFF.
  • The entire product must be displayed in the frame and you must fill at least 85% of the frame with the product (in other words, the white space may be only 15%). 
  • The height or width should be at least 1,000 pixels, but may not exceed 10,000 pixels.

2. Pay attention to category requirements

Amazon also has specific image requirements per category. These rules can, for example, include the use of props, nutritional labels, and placement of the product. As these guidelines change from time to time, it’s key that you regularly check these rules again as Amazon might have made changes without sending you a notification. 

3. Prioritize your images

Amazon allows you to upload multiple images, but you still need to remember to indicate which is your main product image and assign the order of the other product images. In fact, if you don’t indicate which image should be your primary shot (the image that will show up in the search results and on the detail page), your other images might not display at all. So, you should remember to use the variant code “MAIN” when naming your Amazon photos to indicate which is your primary image. 

If you’re tempted to use only one photo – don’t. While you’ll be eager to get your product listed as quickly as possible, it’s in your best interest to take the time and upload as many photos as Amazon allows. Not only can you add graphics and/or text when you add multiple photos, but it’s also an opportunity to showcase your product from different angles. This way, all the features and dimensions of the product can be included. For example, if you’re selling beauty products, it can be a good idea to include a photo of the label so that potential customers can view the ingredients. All in all, using multiple photos that you sort in a logical order makes it easier for your target audience to get a better feel for your product and help to win over sceptical shoppers. 

4. Frame it right

As mentioned earlier, according to Amazon’s requirements, the entire product must be displayed in the frame. This means that you should double-check that no corners or edges are cut off. 

At the same time, unlike website design best practices that encourage ample white space, Amazon restricts you to only 15% of white space. So, the trick is to let the product take up as much of the frame as possible without cutting off any details. It will keep Amazon happy and help your listing to be more noticeable in the search results. 

5. Use only high-quality images

Not only is this a no-brainer for driving more sales, but it’s actually a requirement of Amazon. In addition to Amazon’s technical photo requirements, the marketplace also includes the following requirements:

  • All the product images must be real photos. Amazon will not allow illustrations, vectors, or drawings.
  • Only elements that are related directly to the product that’s being sold may be included. In other words, extra objects that can confuse shoppers may not be included. 
  • The resolution should be high. Images that are pixelated or blurry from recompression won’t be allowed. 

6. Pay special attention to color

In Amazon’s guidelines, special mention of color is also made. As all the images must be an accurate representation of the product, the colors should be realistic. You’re allowed to edit your photos, but just be careful of changing the saturation as it can easily let your colors appear different. 

So, after you’ve taken and edited the photos, double-check that the colors are still true to life. After all, red could mean different things to different people. So, as shoppers have only the photos that they can rely on, it’s key that your images are an accurate representation of the color. 

7. Include environments in the background

Only the background of the main photo needs to be pure white. Amazon allows you to use a different background for additional photos. 

Depending on the type of product that you’re selling, it can be a good idea not to stick to a white background for all your photos. Instead, you can include a background that will help to show how your product can be used in a realistic setting. This works especially well if you’re selling something like furniture. Though, just remember that you should steer clear of adding extra objects that can cause confusion.

8. Include graphics to show key information

While your main product image may not have any unnecessary graphics or text, Amazon allows you to include useful text and graphics in your alternative photos. You can use this to your advantage by highlighting features that set your product apart from similar listings. Perhaps it’s more compact than similar products? Maybe it’s easy to set up? In this case, you can emphasize its dimensions or design a graphic to show the few steps needed to get started. 

You should obviously include this important information in the actual product description too, but by using one of the product images to communicate this information again, you ensure that no important product feature will go unnoticed. That being said, unlike your product description, the text included with your images should be minimal. If it’s a word for word copy of your bullets, you’re missing the point. 

9. Focus on the details

Depending on what you’re selling, there might be special product details, such as range or the interior, that need to stand out. In this case, it’s better to take a photo of this specific detail and list it as a separate photo. This way, your target audience will feel more comfortable to buy the product as they’ve seen the product in action. 

10. Include its packaging

It’s also a good idea to include a photo of packaging in a separate photo, if your product comes with its own packaging. This can be a great selling feature that helps to highlight a product’s convenience and build trust among potential customers. 

11. Remember your target audience

Just like you should keep your target audience in mind when you’re writing your product description, so too should you remember them when you’re creating images. In short, your audience should be able to see themselves when viewing your products. They need to be able to see that what you’re selling will suit their lifestyle and requirements. 

For example, if you’re selling an entry-level kettle, the background should be of a modest kitchen. This way you help to make your product more credible and convincing. 

Wrapping Things Up

If you improve your images, you also improve the chances that you can convert a user into a paying customer. So, while time-consuming, it pays to devote some time to optimizing your product images. If your photography skills aren’t up to par, it’s best that you hire a professional photographer who specializes in product photography. 

From identifying popular products to sell on Amazon to crafting product descriptions that convert, there are many steps in the process of getting started on Amazon that will all be in vain if your photos fail to capture the attention. You’ve come this far that optimizing your images is the least you can do for your business and target audience. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you include any graphics or text in your Amazon product images?

The primary product image of your Amazon listing may not include any text, graphics, or inset images. However, you may include graphics or text in your alternative Amazon product images. In fact, it’s actually recommended that you do as it can help to optimize your images. You just need to make sure that whatever text or graphic you add isn’t offensive in nature and, to keep it effective, it should be short and sweet.

What are the rules for Amazon product images?

Amazon has a couple of technical requirements for product images. These include: 

The product images’ background color must be pure white

The whole product must be displayed in the frame

The white space may not be more than 15% of the frame

The image must be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF format

The height or width should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels, but no more than 10,000 pixels.

How many product images may you display on Amazon?

Amazon sellers may upload one main product image and up to eight additional images per Amazon listing. It’s up to the sellers to prioritize these images in the order in which they want them displayed.

What is Amazon listing optimization?

Amazon listing optimization refers to the process of upgrading product pages to improve their search visibility, click-through rate and conversion rate to help generate more sales. This can include using keywords, including reviews, and optimizing product images by, for example, adding text or graphics.  

How should you name your Amazon product images?

Amazon has a very specific formula that sellers need to follow when they’re naming their image files for their Amazon product listings. The following 3 elements should be included: a product identifier without any spaces or dashes, 4-character variant code, and the file extension. If it will be the main product image, MAIN should be used as the 4-character variant code.  

Source: How to Optimize Amazon Product Images in 11 Simple Steps

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