F-117, Honeywell and Northrop Grumman Testbeds, NGJ-MB And More At Work During Northern Edge

NE 23 1 top top
F-117, Honeywell Boeing 757 and Northrop Grumman CRJ throughout NE 23-1 (All images credit: Dyllen Patillo @a10patillo)

The F-117 Nighthawk Stealth jets, other actually intriguing possessions and systems took part in Northern Edge (NE 23-1) workout in Alaska.

As reported in information in a previous post, previously this month, U.S. Air Force F-117 Nighthawks from Tonopah Test Range have actually participated in workout Northern Edge 23 at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. NE is a series of joint, international and multi-domain operations developed to carry out high-end, practical war fighter training, establish and enhance joint interoperability, and improve the fight preparedness of taking part forces.

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One of the two F-117s taking part in NE 23-1.

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Another picture of the Honeywell testbed N757HW.

N805X is among the 3 greatly customized CRJ-700 owned by Northrop Grumman (the others being N804X and N806X). To the well-known Raytheon’s Boeing 727 N289MT nicknamed VOODOO 1, that sports an F-15 nose radome (and was utilized to evaluate the AN/APG -82 Active Electronically Scanned Array– AESA), the Northrop Grumman’s airplane is likewise defined by a strange “pointy” nose and is routinely utilized to evaluate sensing units and interaction systems prior to they are carried out into frontline fight airplane. The CRJs can be reconfigured to support various developmental activities: the fleet of NG testbeds has actually been associated with the screening of brand-new radars, EW (Electronic Warfare) suites, targeting pods, rocket hunters, countermeasures.

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F-15EX with Legion IRST pod.

A minimum of among the F-15E from Nellis AFB’s Weapons Squadron brought the AN/ASQ -236″Dragon’s Eye “Active Electronically Scanned Array(AESA)radar pods on its centerline station. Functional on the F-15E Strike Eagle fleet, and in the future, on Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Command F-16s, the pod has actually formerly been incorporated on an Air Force Special Operations Command AC-130 and likewise on the Air Force Global Strike Command B-52 as an evidence of principle presentation. The AN/ASQ -236 pod is a self-contained system including an antenna, inertial navigation system, and ecological cooling system. It likewise includes a totally automated built-in-test, or BIT, that suggests the health of the system to the operator and upkeep teams. The antenna is connected to a positioner plate that enables it to move about the roll axis. According to NG, the pod supplies High-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar( SAR )maps for monitoring and target detection; All-weather accuracy geo-location versus repaired, moving and maritime targets; 3 position, big field of regard matches nose radar repaired field of regard; Bomb effect evaluation analysis; Advanced radar modes established and shared throughout Northrop Grumman’s business of 5th Gen fighter radars.

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An F-15E deployed from Nellis AFB shows its centerline AN/ASQ-236 “Dragon’s Eye” pod.

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EA-18G with NGJ-MB pods.

A huge thank you to our pal Dyllen Patillo for sending us lots of excellent pictures from NE 23-1. Make certain to follow him on Instagram here: @a10patillo.


David Cenciotti is a reporter based in Rome, Italy. He is the Founder and Editor of” The Aviationist “, among the world’s most popular and check out military air travel blog sites. Because 1996, he has actually composed for significant around the world publications, consisting of Air Forces Monthly, Combat Aircraft, and numerous others, covering air travel, defense, war, market, intelligence, criminal offense and cyberwar. He has actually reported from the U.S., Europe, Australia and Syria, and flown a number of fight aircrafts with various flying force. He is a previous 2nd Lt. of the Italian Air Force, a personal pilot and a graduate in Computer Engineering. He has actually composed 5 books and added to a lot more ones.

Source: F-117, Honeywell and Northrop Grumman Testbeds, NGJ-MB And More At Work During Northern Edge

F-117, Honeywell and Northrop Grumman Testbeds, NGJ-MB And More At Work During Northern Edge - Click To Share

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