Photo: BAA Training

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Type Rating (TR) is the stage when a licenced pilot must stay especially focused, undistracted and collected. A lot has been achieved already, so failing in the hallway to a dream come true would be sad. While instructors and examiners can contribute to the result, the biggest power is in the pilot’s hands. Follow the steps below to ensure you’ve done your maximum.

1. Start your preparation for TR in advance

When you start your Type Rating, you will notice that the pace is quick, so having some knowledge already will help. For example, one thing you can do is start learning standard operating procedures (SOPs) even before you begin the theory part. The SOPs represent a documented process aimed at all company’s pilots so that they follow the same rules and procedures for a given situation of the operation. If you know your airline beforehand, you can get the SOPs from it. If not, ask your pilot training academy to share the SOPs with you and get to memorizing all the flows. This way, you will feel less overwhelmed with information during your TR and minimize your risk of falling behind.

2. Improve your understanding of the aircraft type

Be curious and strive to understand how every system of your aircraft works, whether it’s the hydraulics system, the fuel system or any other. If you go the extra mile and browse the Internet for a question bank related to your aircraft type in addition to what the training centre gives you, you will get a better understanding of the key takeaways. The questions you find online may repeat the ones you practice at school, but their wording might not be precisely the same. This way, you will be prompted to think and understand rather than rely on rote learning. However, once you prepare for your final exams, be sure to revise the studying materials provided by the academy. They will typically be the closest to the ones you are going to face during your finals.

3. Make acronyms for better retention

Using mnemonic devices boosts your ability to retain or retrieve information quickly by creating an association. For instance, everybody knows how to rattle off “ROY G BIV” (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet). The same technique – taking the first letters of the words and making an easily rememberable acronym – can be used in aviation. A good example is “BT-FANGS,” which stands for the items in the aircraft operated hydraulically (Rudder Bias, Thrust Reversers, Flaps, Airbrakes, Nose steering, Gear, Spoiler). You may want to refer to the following website – – to come up with your own mnemonic devices.

4. Practice using the QRH before the simulator

Get accustomed to using the quick reference handbook (QRH) as early as possible. Sometimes, when you are on flights, you will need to look up information in this book containing descriptions of procedures applicable for abnormal and emergency conditions quickly and efficiently. Knowing where you can find corresponding tables, graphs, and other data will save you time and help avoid unnecessary distractions while performing the calculations, etc.

5. Help your simulator partner

If you try and help your simulator partner or vice versa, ask them for help, both of you will have a higher chance of passing. In many cases, making a small mistake during the Type Rating can be acceptable provided that you or your simulator partner spots it or corrects the slip up if possible. By acting as a team, you improve crew resource management (CRM) that stands for utilizing all available resources during flight to enhance safety and mitigate errors. A pilot working in a multi-crew environment must adapt to their colleagues’ different cultures and working styles. The same applies to working together with a simulator partner as the mutual efforts directly impact how successful the Type Rating’s outcome is.

While there are countless tips and tricks to score well during your Type Rating, we have found these to be a few helpful methods. If you are just about to enroll yourself in the Type Rating course – consider Airbus A320Boeing 737 CLBoeing 737NG or Boeing 737 MAX Type Rating at BAA Training! We are setting the highest standards, unmatched facilities and a serious passion for aviation to offer you the unique learning experience under the quality Type Rating to kickstart your career.

Source: 5 Tips on How to Succeed In Your Type Rating Course

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