On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky and Senior Editor Chris Bedford to discuss his book “A Republic Under Assault: The Left’s Ongoing Attack on American Freedom” and how the deep state used corruption to attack former President Donald Trump.

“It wasn’t even just reporting material that they should have known was bad,” Fitton said. “It was: they wanted to put people in jail that they had a political distaste for and, in the case of [Paul] Manafort, they wanted to kneecap the Trump campaign by going after his campaign manager,” Fitton said.

The corporate media, Fitton said, is one of the largest culprits in this scheme and shouldn’t get away with their malfeasance.

“This idea that journalists deserve special protection from the laws that govern the rest of us is as objectionable as the idea that, you know, Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be prosecuted because she lost the presidency and leave her alone,” Fitton said. “This is garbage. Garbage ethics.”

Source: The Sussmann Indictment Is A Window Into Establishment Corruption

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