Trinh Nguyen

Trinh Nguyên Interview in News Wire Magazine
M. Curtis McCoy

Trinh Nguyen shares how she became successful after moving to America with nothing

Trinh Nguyen is a young businesswoman who moved to the United States from Vietnam in 2015. She was only 23 years old when she came here with nothing but landed a job as a nail technician. However, she soon learned that a positive attitude and a focus on client satisfaction could significantly increase revenue for her small business! Instead of wasting her earned income on designer clothes, purses, and shoes, Trinh started investing in real estate and technology, among other things. She’s been helping her parents pay off their new house back in Oklahoma and believes that family is essential. She realized their life would be better as her parents got older if they were not burdened with a mortgage. She started early, saving money, and paid off her first car in less than six months. Then, while traveling to see her family in Oklahoma, Trinh had a rollover accident

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