News Wire Meaning

M. Curtis McCoy

News Wire Meaning

A wire service, or newswire, is used by journalists and editors to get the latest news fast. Wire services broadcast their content via satellite, fax machines, or closed editorial systems in recent decades. Newswire services use various technologies to distribute press releases, including email, FTP servers, and RSS feeds. Recently, some newswire services are also distributing press releases via social media. When was the first newswire? Today’s wire services originate from the invention of the first commercial teletype in 1837. The first commercial newswire was established in 1848. Today, wire services provide information to media outlets and are also called news agencies, cooperatives, or networks that prepare hard-news articles for use by media outlets with little or no editing needed. When did newswires start using satellites? Sputnik 1 was the first satellite with a radio transmitter, and it was launched on October 4th, 1957. Project SCORE was the first communications

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