Bill K. Griffith

Bill K. Griffith - News Wire Magazine Cover
M. Curtis McCoy

Bill K. Griffith Launches the Cope Hope or Dope Podcast

Bill K. Griffith is a 44-year-old coach, teacher, and motivator that recently moved to the Western Slope. Primarily being a football coach in his professional career, his focus has always been more than inspiring his athletes to go beyond their physical abilities. Challenging his athletes to use the power of positive thoughts has always intrigued him. Since 2001, when he began his coaching career, the teams he coached for always seemed to accomplish victories on and off the field. However, Bill K. Griffith has gone through a transition in his life that has altered his approach to coaching entirely. Because of his battle with addiction and depression, his marriage crumbled, and he found himself alone, searching for answers. Going within himself, he found those answers through spiritual healing. Refusing to be a victim of any circumstance, Coach Griff as his players/students call him has started a podcast. “Cope Hope or

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