‘She was pleading and pleading’: Jan. 6 Protester Recalls Witnessing Rosanne Boyland Die

“It was hell itself.”

Philip Anderson doesn’t like to talk about that part of Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol. It’s simply too agonizing, even with household and goodfriends.

“It’s so scary to even bring it up. I puton’t have to keepinmind that upuntil my really last day, till I passaway,” the 26-year-old informed The Epoch Times. “It was the most scary thing I’ve ever experienced.”

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Philip Anderson, 26, of Mesquite, Texas, almost lost his life on Jan. 6, 2021.

Anderson was at the bottom of a stack individuals triggered by a stampede out of the West Terrace tunnel when cops released gas on the crowd of protesters.

Right next to him lay Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Ga. They were squashed by the weight of a stack 4-5 individuals deep. It produced an inexpressible capture. The discomfort was made evenworse by a absence of oxygen.

“You have to simply lay still. You’re simply air-swapping with the individuals that are on the ground with you,” Anderson stated. “If you relocation even a little bit, bones are going to break in your leg, bones are going to break in your arm. I’m believing, ‘I have to stay still and hope that my head’s not going to get smashed.’”

Tragedy in the Tunnel

It all altered in an immediate.

Anderson and Boyland strolled into the tunnel at the verysame time that afternoon. They did not understand each other, however Anderson would play an crucial function for the Georgia Trump fan in her terrible last minutes.

“I did not understand her. I didn’t understand anything about her,” Anderson stated. “I didn’t even understand that she existed upuntil I saw her out of the corner of my eye.”

The tunnel was loaded with individuals, shoulder to shoulder, about a lots throughout and maybe 20-25 deep. The crowd was attempting to gainaccessto the doors leading to the Capitol.

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Protesters shot to render medical help to Rosanne Boyland at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,2021 (Body Cam/U.S. Department of Justice)

Police had other strategies. They letloose some type of gas on the crowd. It appeared to suck the air out of the tunnel.

“I felt it, duetothefactthat I can’t breathe. That’s what it felt like,” Anderson stated. “So I turn around and run away. I shot to get out as quick as I can. If I had stood still, I truthfully felt I was going to passaway. That’s what it felt like, ‘You’re not going to be able to get air inside if you puton’t get out now.’”

The crowd toppled out of the tunnel, down the actions like a waterfall. Anderson felt his legs provide out. He fell, dropping like a swimmer doing a stomach flop. His fellow protesters stacked up around him.

“It wasn’t that I tripped or anything like that. I cannot get air so I can relocation my arms, my legs. And then I fall.”

The fear was palpable as the weight of the stack crushed those at the bottom. Anderson and Boyland ended up near each other.

“She was asking and pleading. She was attempting to scream however she couldn’t scream really loudly,” Anderson stated. “She provided up on it and that’s when she reached out. She got my hand. She’s reaching out to grab something. When she felt my arm, she got my hand.  She didn’t get to hold on for extremely long, .”

Anderson felt such agony, he attempted to prepare himself to passaway.

‘You’re Killing People!’

“I might feel that I was passingaway,” Anderson stated. “I might feel it. That was the scariest part. I accepted that I was going to passaway. I was simply hoping to God at that point, ‘Just make it to where the discomfort stops, duetothefactthat I simply requirement to go.’ ”

Anderson thinks Boyland understood her time was rapidly running out.

“She was holding my hand and then her grip entirely loosensup,” Anderson remembered. “I’m quite sure that she’s accepted at this point she’s going to passaway. She understands it’s the end.”

Anderson, a conservative activist from Mesquite, Texas, would have fulfilled the exactsame fate if it were not for fellow protester Jake Lang. He was at the tunnel entryway, pleading authorities to stop pressing individuals out of the tunnel onto the stack.

Surveillance video reveals Lang, using a gas mask, waving desperately at cops.

“I’m shouting, Stop! Stop! You’re killing individuals. Stop pressing!” Lang informed The Epoch Times in an interview from the District of Columbia prison, where he is being held waitingfor trial on Jan. 6-associated charges.

Lang attempted to extract Boyland from the stack, however every time he assisted getridof one body from the mass, another one landed on top.

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Philip Anderson and Rosanne Boyland getin the West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,2021 (Video Still/The Epoch Times)

“Every single time I pulled another individual off her, the authorities maul someone back over on top of her,” Lang stated. “So she’s stuck at the bottom of this pet stack.”

Lang discovered that Anderson was not as securely wedged, so he next attempted to relocation him. As he got Anderson under the arms, he discovered the young guy’s tongue hanging out of his mouth.

“Like a bear-hugging movement, I’m able to pull his body weight up on top of my chest,” Lang stated. “I unbunch him from this pet stack and I start dragging him down the actions.” Lang got Anderson to a medic station, where volunteers restored him.

Boyland Beaten While Unconscious

A brief time lateron, Boyland was released from the stack, however she was no longer breathing. Protesters attempted to render help, however cops sprayed lotsof of them with mace.

Her Georgia buddy, Justin Winchell, asked authorities to aid. On cops bodycam videofootage, he can be seen stating, “Rosanne! Rosanne! Rosanne!” His tone got more desperate. “She’s gonna passaway! She’s gonna passaway! …I requirement someone! She’s dead!”

At that point numerous angered protesters charged the authorities line and engaged in hand-to-hand fight.

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Justin Winchell (in the teal coat at ideal) responds to a Metropolitan Police Department officer striking his unconscious pal, Rosanne Boyland. (Bodycam/U.S. Department of Justice)

The bodycam video revealed Boyland lying on the concrete close-by, unconscious. Then a Metro DC cops deal started to beat the unconscious Boyland, striking her consistently in the ribs and the head.

Winchell’s shock is apparent by his frightened facial expression recorded on bodycam video.

The Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia rejected a Freedom of Information Act demand by The Epoch Times for the officer’s bodycam video.

The department has not responded to queries from The Epoch Times on the situations surrounding Boyland’s death.

The medical inspector for the District of Columbia ruled Boyland passedaway from an overdose of a prescription medication. Family members stated Boyland was recommended the drug to reward attention deficit hyperactivity condition.

It’s not understood if the autopsy recorded any injuries from the beating, or keptinmind proof from Boyland being squashed. The medical inspector won’t release any details beyond the cause and way of death. He ruled Boyland’s death was an mishap.

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Jake Lang saved Philip Anderson from a stampede stack at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,2021 (Photo Courtesy of Jake Lang)

That conclusion does not sit well with Anderson. “She was actually alright, walking around like everybody else: typically,” he stated. “The distinction is that she got gassed and she got squashed and she got some mace on her. And then after all of that occurred to her, she’s getting beat down on with the baton.

“The beating, that was simply the cherry on leading,” Anderson stated. “She mostlikely would have passedaway even without that. But that sealed the offer, truthfully, if she wasn’t currently dead.”

Lang and Anderson both bring psychological scars from what they experienced on Jan. 6.

“I have awful PTSD, waking up from problems, seeing her face,” Lang stated. “It’s simply dreadful duetothefactthat there is no closure. They killed her and they won’t release the officer’s info.”

Anderson stated he is outraged by representations of Boyland in mainstream media as a domestic terrorist.

“She did absolutelynothing. She assaulted no one. She didn’t even state anything to anybody,” Anderson stated. “We’ve got half the nation stating Rosanne is a terrorist, she got what she wasworthyof. For what? She didn’t do anything. It’s insane to me.”

Joseph M. Hanneman


Joseph Hanneman is a pressreporter for The Epoch Times who covers the State of Wisconsin. His work over a almost 40-year profession has appeared in Catholic World Report, the Racine Journal Times, the Wisconsin State Journal and the Chicago Tribune. Reach him at: [email protected]

Source: ‘She was asking and pleading’: Jan. 6 Protester Recalls Witnessing Rosanne Boyland Die.

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