How This Mom Took Back Her Kids’ Education From A Far-Left School Board

Mom helping daughter with school

Independent Women’s Network Director Julie Gunlock signed up with Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech on Fox News’s “The Ben Domenech Podcast” to discuss how moms and dads can recover their kids’s education from far-left school boards.

In Virginia, Gunlock stated, deep-blue school districts are pressing back on newly-inaugurated Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order enabling moms and dads to select whether their kids use masks in school.

” The school district in Alexandria, Virginia, where I live, the superintendent, Greg Hutchings, instantly released a declaration– which obviously is not uncommon for this area; I’ve now heard the Arlington superintendent did the very same therefore did Fairfax County– generally stating, ‘We’re continuing to mask, we are going to need kids to mask,'” Gunlock stated. “The intriguing thing with the Alexandria school district is it went a bit more. They are now going to be offering these N95 masks, which personally I discover suffocating, and they’re going to be providing other masks so kids can double mask. To a lot of moms and dads that I’ve talked to, this is a brand-new turn.”

” It is a method for this school district and this superintendent to not just, you understand, snub and thumb his nose at Youngkin; it is a method to communicate to moms and dads that they do not matter. Do not even attempt,” Gunlock continued. “So it is a method to communicate to moms and dads that we’re done talking, this is the policy.”

Gunlock likewise described her choice to pull her kids out of the general public schools in Alexandria in favor of personal and homeschooling, and she motivated other moms and dads who feel caught in school districts that have actually betrayed them.

” Since lots of people have actually been working from house for a long period of time, this is the time to work out that, and if you wish to approach homeschooling, this is the time to make that a discussion with your company,” Gunlock stated.

” Examine what your kids are finding out in the general public schools– it’s not simply taking a look at the curriculum, although I do recommend you take a deep dive into the curriculum– however perhaps have an outdoors evaluation, perhaps ask some concerns, truly speak with your kids and discover how they’re carrying out in school,” Gunlock advised. “I believe a great deal of individuals would be amazed that it’s not as radiant as possibly a few of these public schools would have you think.”

Listen to the complete interview here.

Author The Federalist Staff profile

Source: How This Mom Took Back Her Kids’ Education From A Far-Left School Board

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