
FAA Updates Recreational Drone Flying Guidance

Site Notification

Site Notification

Monday, October 24, 2022

WASHINGTON— The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today provided assistance on how to end up being an FAA-recognized community-based company for leisure drone flying.

Under federal law, leisure drone leaflets need to follow the security standards of a FAA-recognized community-based company. The company is needed to establish its security standards in coordination with the FAA and a candidate might want to customize them to a specific kind of unmanned air travel.

The FAA’s assistance, Advisory Circular 91-57 C, supplies a detailed list of suggested security standards that candidates might think about utilizing in their application. Organizations that satisfy the legal meaning of a community-based company might obtain FAA acknowledgment through the FAA’s DroneZone site.

The upgraded assistance likewise offers details on obtaining leisure flying repaired websites, hosting sponsored occasions and academic usage requirements.

Source: FAA Updates Recreational Drone Flying Guidance

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