China’s Seizure of Another Canadian Draws Protests From Parliamentarians

Canadian parliamentarians are requiring the release of another Canadian person who has actually been arbitrarily taken by the communist-led authorities in Hong Kong.

Denise Ho, a popular vocalist and popular pro-democracy activist, was drawn from her home by the Hong Kong nationwide security authorities at around 6 a.m. regional time on Dec. 29, according to her Facebook page.

Early Wednesday, over 200 policeman robbed the workplaces of Hong Kong pro-democracy media outlet Stand News– where Ho was as soon as a board member– and jailed a number of other directors and reporters for “conspiracy to release seditious products.”

The arrests were made on the basis of the city’s drastic nationwide security law, according to a press release from the Hong Kong federal government. The conspiracy charge was not noted as a criminal offense under the Beijing-backed legislation.

Ho later on composed on Facebook that she “feels ok,” and asked her good friends and advocates not to fret.

The Epoch Times connected to Global Affairs Canada for talk about Ho’s arrest, however did not instantly hear back.

Conservative MP Garnett Genuis slammed China’s arrest of Ho, and required a fast action from the federal government.

” The approximate detention of our people has actually not stopped. This arrest needs a swift and emphatic action,” Genuis composed on Twitter.

Hong Kong cops have actually detained Denise Ho (@hoccgoomusic), a popular pro-democracy vocalist and a Canadian person. The approximate detention of our people has actually not stopped. This arrest needs a swift and emphatic reaction @JustinTrudeau @melaniejoly. #cdnpoli #StandWithHongKong

— Garnett Genuis (@GarnettGenuis) December 29, 2021

A variety of present and previous Canadian parliamentarians have actually likewise voiced issues about Ho’s arrest and required her release.

Conservative Sen. Leo Housakos composed to Global Affairs Canada, asking what the federal government is doing to help “the most recent Canadian resident abducted by the communist program of China.”

” It has actually been given my attention that, in current days, another Canadian person has actually been arbitrarily apprehended by authorities of the communist program of China,” Housakos stated on social networks.

” While this attack on journalistic flexibility is outrageous and should be unquestionably condemned, my instant issue in composing you is the security of among our people.”

Please see listed below: I’ve composed to @GAC_Corporate to ask on what’s being done to help the most recent Canadian resident abducted by the communist program of China, @hoccgoomusic. #StandWithHongKong

— Senator Leo Housakos (@SenatorHousakos) December 29, 2021

Former Conservative MP Kenney Chiu voiced issues for the more than 300,000 Canadian people presently residing in Hong Kong, while regreting the city’s falling apart democracy.

” If anybody still argues that Hong Kong has actually not been dragged to the bottom of authoritarian dictatorship pit, the arrest of Quebecer Denise Ho … is the evidence,” Chiu composed on Twitter.

If anybody still argues that #HongKong has actually not been dragged to the bottom of authoritarian dictatorship pit, the arrest of Quebecer Denise Ho + this is the evidence. Their criminal activity? “Seditious publications” offenses.

How’s that going to effect lives of the 300,000+ Canadians in HK?

— Kenny Chiu (@RmdKenny) December 29, 2021

In July 2019, Ho affirmed at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva that, with the intro of a questionable extradition expense, communist China had actually broken the global treaty it signed when reclaiming control of Hong Kong in1997 In the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the Chinese program devoted to offering the previous British nest relative autonomy.

In September 2019, Ho and her fellow pro-democracy activists likewise affirmed at a U.S. Congressional hearing, requiring worldwide assistance for the Hongkongers who took part in the enormous pro-democracy demonstrations triggered by the legislation.

In the wake of the demonstrations, the greatest Chinese legislature enacted the Hong Kong nationwide security law in June 2020, which drew prevalent criticism as it enables Beijing to bypass the city’s legislature, while criminalizing open speech and even spoken promo for Hong Kong’s self-reliance from China.

Frank Fang added to this post.

Andrew Chen


Andrew Chen is an Epoch Times press reporter based in Toronto.

Source: China’s Seizure of Another Canadian Draws Protests From Parliamentarians

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