4 Keys to Telling a Great Brand Story That Increases Sales

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Earlier this year, Lindsay McCormick had the kind of issue that most businessowners would love to have, however it was a obstacle simply the verysame. She’d constructed a multimillion-dollar business, Bite, with items that interferedwith the drowsy tooth care market and a terrific brandname story. Bite was now broadening into other locations of individual care. McCormick and her group had to figure out how to rebrand.

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McCormick released Bite in 2018 with $6,000 in costsavings and a first-of-its-kind item–toothpaste tablets–created to assistance keep utilized toothpaste tubes out of landfills. The direct-to-consumer business hasactually grown gradually, including more items consistingof mouthwash, toothbrushes, and a bleaching gel. An look on Shark Tank, when she turned down a offer with Mark Cuban and Kevin O’Leary, didn’t hurt.

Last month, Bite released another ingenious item: the veryfirst 100% plastic-free antiperspirant with compostable refills. Thanks to how she and her group had developed a engaging brandname story, the option to how to market their brand-new item was right in front of them.

Telling a Great Brand Story

McCormick had the concept for Bite when she was takingatrip a lot for her task as a TELEVISION manufacturer. At house, she was utilizing as numerous natural items as possible and attempting to live a zero-waste wayoflife, however while she was on the roadway she seen how numerous toothpaste tubes she was tossing out. She chose to discover a more sustainable option.

Related: 4 Ways to Leverage Your Story and Create Buzz for a Brand

She started talking to dentalprofessionals, knowing about chemistry, and blending up the natural activeingredients she purchased at Whole Foods and online to make toothpaste tablets in her cookingarea. McCormick started selling them on Etsy and on a Shopify website. Her partner–now her service partner–developed labels and a site. Once a video they’d made went viral on Facebook, sales escalated. McCormick went from a coupleof thousand dollars in earnings general to $200,000 in sales the week after the video went live.

Beyond establishing a excellent brand-new item, McCormick likewise produced a brandname story that has lessons for other customer brandnames, particularly mission-driven ones. Here are 4 secret lessons from Bite’s branding.

Capture Your Brand’s Vision in its Name

Attracting purchasers in a crowded market is hard. Coming up with a name that is easy-to-remember, memorable, and records your brandname’s identity is a difficulty that numerous brandnames stopworking. Bite’s name strikes all those buttons. It likewise focused the brandname in its market. And while that provides the brandname with a obstacle as it broadens, it is still worth reaching for a name that does the exactsame for your business. 

Explain Your Mission in Simple Terms

Even the most ecologically mindful customers wear’t desire to be provided a lecture on environment modification while they’re shopping. They do desire to understand your brandname’s objective and worths, . Find easy-to-understand however engaging methods to display your objective on your house page or productpackaging, and leave the muchdeeper dives for other pages on your website, blogsite posts or videos. Bite encapsulated the requirement for its veryfirst item with a single fact on its site, reporting that about one billion toothpaste tubes wind up in garbagedumps every year. Having a clear metric or contrast can be a fantastic method to signal right away what matters to your business. Just puton’t make the error of selling your objective so much that customers wear’t understand what’s excellent about your items. That can work for business who are veryfirst with a mission-driven concept, such as the Buy One Give One design that Tom’s Shoes promoted, however those cases are exceptions. 

Design to Sell

Eco-friendly brandnames typically settle for mournful colors or unimaginative style. That’s a error. “You can have the most sustainable item in the world, however if no one purchases it, it is not going to assistance anything,” stated McCormick. Whether its photography that catches the spirit of experience for a brandname like Patagonia or the color and playfulness that identifies sock business Bombas’ marketing, style is a essential aspect of your brandname story. Design must discreetly show your business’s worths as well as drawin your target customers. Bite’s website and productpackaging has a crisp, modern-day and millennial-pleasing style that is right in line with its objective of a cleaner world in the future.

Be Transparent with Your Customers 

McCormick stated another secret to Bite’s brandname story was how the business interacted with its clients from the starting. When clients had a concern on social media, McCormick and her group made sure to offer comprehensive responses. “When you’re an environmentallyfriendly business you get consumers who desire to understand whatever,” she stated. “If somebody’s asking why it expenses more, we break down the expenses of raw products for a conventional toothpaste versus ours: we usage glass rather of plastic, and we are made in the U.S. where we pay living incomes as opposed to overseas. Through education and openness we’ve been able to keep the story absorbable for individuals.”

Rebranding for the Next Chapter

When dealtwith with rebranding Bite to signal its moving into antiperspirant–and more locations of individual care in the future–McCormick and her group stuck to their brandname worth of openness with consumers through the procedure. “A rebrand is constantly dangerous, it’s a lot of work internally and I desired to be sure our clients felt like they were part of our journey,” she stated.

Related: The Thing About Branding That Successful Companies Understand

Bite’s item line may be growing, however its core objective of sustainability wasn’t altering at all. McCormick constructed on that structure–without providing up the business’s name–to rebrand Bite as “Because It’s the Earth.” 

“Re-branding Bite as an acronym for ‘Because It’s The Earth’ was actually essential to show our business going from oral care into individual care,” stated McCormick. “Our veryfirst item exterior of oral care is our antiperspirant which is the veryfirst to be both plastic-free and have compostable refills. Back in 2018, our toothpaste tablets assisted push the oral care market in a more sustainable instructions and we desire to do the exactsame in individual care.” 

Just as Bite marketed its initial toothpaste tablets with a number that made its function clear, the brand-new antiperspirant, the business stated, will aid battle the 15 million pounds of plastic antiperspirant productpackaging that ends up in our garbagedumps and oceans every year. 

Source: 4 Keys to Telling a Great Brand Story That Increases Sales.

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