Social Networks News

Telegram app rides high on thirst for trustworthy news

In the days after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of his country, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, used his Telegram channel to send a defiant video message from the centre of the capital, Kyiv, calling on the nation to unite and resist the Russian attack.The WhatsApp-like messaging service, co-founded by exiled Russian billionaire brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov,…

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Andrew Forrest hits back at Facebook claim he signed away his rights

Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest has ridiculed the idea that by signing up to a Facebook account he signed away his rights.After years of attacking Facebook’s refusal to remove scam ads featuring his face, Forrest launched civil proceedings against the social media behemoth in California.He alleges the company’s failure to stop cryptocurrency-related scam ads were “negligent” and…

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One year on from Australia’s showdown with Facebook over the news media code, there’s still a lot we don’t know | Peter Lewis

A year ago this morning Australians woke to discover the company formerly known as Facebook had unfriended them, a globally significant strike on democratically elected lawmakers attempting to regulate in the public interest.For catch-up viewers Facebook removed all news content, along with a trove of pages from civil society and government, including a domestic violence…

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