Social Networks News

Meta shares dip is proof metaverse plan never really had legs

After shares in Facebook’s parent, Meta, slumped by as much as 25% in the wake of abysmal quarterly results, critics intensified their calls for its chief executive to abandon his astronomically expensive pivot to the “metaverse” – a 3D virtual world intended to replace much of real-world socialising.“The cost of Mark Zuckerberg’s metaverse ambition is

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Fears of layoffs as Facebook parent Meta reportedly announces hiring freeze

Meta employees have been warned of potential layoffs after the Facebook parent company announced on Thursday it would freeze hiring and “further restructure”, Bloomberg News has reported. In company communication with employees, chief executive Mark Zuckerberg cited the uncertain macroeconomic environment for the changes. The announcement comes after several tech companies have been forced to

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TechScape: The unbearable sadness of Mark Zuckerberg

Would you rather be banned for life from Tesco or Apple? Or, to go further: would you find it easier to cope with losing access to all major supermarkets, or Google alone? The answer will depend on your particular circumstances, but there’s no denying that losing access to a major technology company can be catastrophic.

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Facebook and Instagram removing posts with mentions of abortion pills

Join our live discussion on Wednesday, 6 July, 1pm-2pm ET.Facebook and Instagram have begun removing posts related to abortion pills, as posts about such medication spiked following the supreme court’s ruling stripping away constitutional protections for abortions.Memes and status updates explaining how people can obtain abortion pills in the mail have exploded across social platforms

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