Rich Rosenzweig

Guest Author

Overture Launches New Healthcare Platform To Address The US Nursing Shortage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Rich Rosenzweig, Founder at Overture (470) 358-5781 [email protected] Overture Launches New Healthcare Platform To Address The US Nursing Shortage 07/18/2022 – Overture is excited to announce a one-of-a-kind healthcare platform and system that drastically improves the nursing shortage in the United States. US Nursing Shortages The nursing shortage in the US was prevalent long before t he pandemic hit, but it was nowhere near as widespread as it is today. As a result of the pandemic, nurses experienced burnout, stress, and workplace overload. Nursing has had a tough go in recent years, and that has prompted many nurses to retire, leave the profession, and look for a better work-life balance. With its innovative technology platform, Overture aims to reduce the disparity of nursing shortages by bringing healthcare providers and nurses together under a new paradigm. In anticipation of a pandemic, the U.S. Bureau of Labor predicted a nursing

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