
Manufacturing Technology Centre chooses Liferay for Digital Manufacturing Accelerator

The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) has chosen Liferay as a core digital infrastructure component in the factory of the future at the Digital Manufacturing Accelerator (DMA).The initiative lets manufacturers experience the advantages of industry 4.0, IoT, smart manufacturing, robotics, and automation in a risk-free environment with accurate financial and operational projections in relation to selected…

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Made Smarter’s Brian Holliday discusses his new role as Co-chair

The Managing Director of Siemens Digital Industries, Brian Holliday has recently been appointed as the Co-chair of the Made Smarter Commission alongside Lee Rowley MP, Minister for Industry for the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Brian will take over from former Siemens CEO Professor Juergen Maier. The Manufacturer Editor, Joe Bush, recently…

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Whitepaper: Embracing the next generation of machine vision

How are manufacturers and logistics companies using new advancements in machine vision to transform their operations? In this whitepaper, techonology provider, Zebra, looks at the enterprise-technology solutions that can provide visibility as to what is happening in your manufacturing environment. The world is changing quicker than at any other time in history, and the manufacturing…

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Made Smarter Innovation Network Webinar Series

To support and accelerate the digitalisation of the manufacturing industry, Innovate UK KTN is working with UKRI to drive innovation to support the adoption of digital technology through Made Smarter Innovation. Made Smarter Innovation is one of UKRI’s Industrial Strategy challenge programmes, investing £147m into creating a fully connected, dynamic manufacturing ecosystem inspiring innovation across…

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Case study: Mitsubishi tames it’s third-party network

As a key industry player in the manufacturing space, Mitsubishi Electric (MEUS) was under pressure. Despite the company’s international reach, its legal and compliance team was spread thin.Third-party due diligence checks were usually conducted in an ad-hoc fashion, frequently resulting in cursory internet searches, which often proved cumbersome and ineffective. Furthermore documents were largely paper…

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Why innovation is a double-edged sword for the circular economy

What do stone-age hunter gatherers, weavers from the 18th century, and 21st-century chip manufacturers have in common? Each experienced large increases in productivity due to innovative advances in technology. And they are not alone: innovation has been renewing the world for a long time and new ways of doing and making things have been changing…

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