Improve Your Attitude

M. Curtis McCoy

Improve Your Attitude

Improve your attitude and you can determine your own success. Behavior reflects thought patterns. Learn to control your mind and you can set your actions on the course you desire. This chapter includes a few ways to improve your attitude in order to accomplish your goals. Be Thankful Here are just a few ideas on how to develop a thankful mindset: Create A Gratitude Journal: Sit down and write out some things you can be thankful for, including the most obvious ones. Include both big blessings and little joys. This simple exercise forces you to reflect on your day, your month, or even your entire life. You might discover some things that you always took for granted! You can keep a regular “gratitude journal” to track blessings in life and refer to these good things when times seem dark. Speak Your Appreciation: Don’t let a busy schedule keep you from

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