Htrain veterans 22Toomany

Guest Author

The H-Train Show – Showing Veterans Programs beyond the VA

“Tough times don’t last, tough people do,” is the mantra that Joel Hunt lives by. As an Army veteran, who was injured during his third deployment, Hunt has seen his fair share of tough times. Though he has endured tragedy, he has come out on the other side with a dedication to helping fellow veterans. Hunt was born and raised in Kokomo, Indiana, by David and Judy Hunt. He joined the Army after graduating from Northwestern High School. On June 17, 1998, he was shipped off to basic training and became a combat engineer. He was deployed three times during his Army career, with his third deployment ending in Baqubah, Iraq after suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and partial leg paralyzation. Finding himself left in the care of his parents, he was adjusting to life back in America. His traumatic brain injury forced him to eventually utilize a wheelchair

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