
The Toothboss Expands Dental Hygiene Offering to Include Periodontal Care

South Weymouth, MA, Sep 15, 2021 — Dr. Richard Wolfert, DMD, a South Weymouth, MA dentist, recently announced the addition of expanded dental hygiene services at The Toothboss, the name of his South Weymouth, MA dental practice located at 1121 Main Street (Route 18). Additional hygiene services being offered include very close scrutiny by his hygiene team to evaluate and treat inflamed and diseased periodontal pockets. “When a patient’s brushing and flossing isn’t removing plaque thoroughly on a consistent basis OR a patient hasn’t had a cleaning for a prolonged period of time, their gum tissue becomes very inflamed,” said Dr. Wolfert. “Bacteria can settle in the cuff of gum tissue that surrounds the tooth, causing the periodontal pocket to be deeper than it should be and the plaque containing bacteria cannot be removed with conventional cleaning methods like daily brushing or flossing.” Continued Dr. Wolfert, “The treatment provided is

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