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40 Side Hustles to Make an Extra $10k Quickly

40 Side Hustles to Make an Extra $10k Quickly

40 side-hustles to make an extra $10,000This article presents 40 side hustles that can help you quickly earn an extra $10,000 with little to no investment. Each side hustle includes a detailed step-by-step guide on how to get started, along with useful tips and resources to maximize your earnings.

40 Side Hustles to Make an Extra $10k Quickly

Supplement your income without significant investments or acquiring extensive experience! Whether saving for a big purchase, paying off debt, or just looking to boost your financial security, side hustles offer a flexible and accessible way to earn extra money.

1. Freelance Writing

Offer writing services for blogs, websites, and other online platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Your Niche: Choose a specific area of expertise or interest, such as technology, finance, health, or lifestyle.
  2. Create a Portfolio: Write sample articles or blog posts to showcase your writing style and ability. Consider starting a blog or publishing your work on
  3. Sign Up on Freelance Platforms: Join sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. Create a detailed profile highlighting your skills, experience, and portfolio.
  4. Bid on Projects: Search for writing projects that match your skills. Write personalized proposals explaining why you’re the best fit for the job.
  5. Deliver Quality Work: Always meet deadlines and maintain high-quality standards. Communicate regularly with clients to ensure their needs are met.

Tips & Resources:

Note: If you’re a talented writer or editor, News Wire Magazine is accepting applications. Apply here: News Wire Magazine Authors, Contributors & Columnists. This is one of those side hustles that could replace your current career if you’re good at it!

2. Blogging

Start a blog and monetize through ads, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing (#20 on this list of side hustles).

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Niche: Focus on a topic you’re passionate about, and that has a potential audience. Examples include travel, personal finance, health, or DIY.
  2. Set Up Your Blog: Use platforms like WordPress or Blogger. Purchase a domain name and hosting service.
  3. Create Quality Content: Write informative, engaging posts regularly. Aim for at least one post per week initially.
  4. Promote Your Blog: Drive traffic to your site using social media, SEO techniques, and guest blogging.
  5. Monetize: Sign up for Google AdSense to display ads. Join affiliate programs and include product links in your posts. Once you have a significant following, approach brands for sponsored posts.

Tips & Resources:

3. Virtual Assistant

Provide administrative support to businesses or entrepreneurs remotely.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Your Services: Determine what administrative tasks you can offer, such as email management, scheduling, data entry, and customer support.
  2. Create a Professional Profile: Join platforms like Belay, Time Etc, and Fancy Hands. Highlight your skills, experience, and any relevant certifications.
  3. Market Yourself: Reach out to small businesses or entrepreneurs needing assistance. Use LinkedIn to network and find opportunities.
  4. Set Up Your Workspace: Ensure you have a quiet workplace, a reliable computer, and a stable internet connection.
  5. Start Small: Take on smaller tasks to build your reputation. Ask for testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients.

Tips & Resources:

Although this is on our list of side hustles, being a virtual assistant could be a full-time career if you enjoy what you’re doing.

4. Social Media Management

Manage social media accounts for small businesses or individuals. This side hustle can be a bit time-consuming, but extremely profitable!

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Learn the Platforms: Understand how social media platforms work, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Don’t forget about YouTube, Threads, TikTok, Pinterest, and smaller platforms that may help your target clients.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Manage your personal social media accounts or volunteer to manage accounts for friends or local businesses.
  3. Create a Service Package: Define your services, including content creation, scheduling, and engagement.
  4. Sign Up on Freelance Sites: Join platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Create a profile showcasing your experience and skills.
  5. Pitch to Clients: Reach out to small businesses, offering a free consultation to show how you can improve their social media presence.

Tips & Resources:

5. Online Tutoring

Tutor students in subjects you excel in through online platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose Your Subject: Select a subject you are proficient in, such as math, science, languages, or test preparation.
  2. Sign Up on Tutoring Platforms: Join websites like Chegg,, or VIPKid. Complete the application process, which may include tests or background checks.
  3. Create a Profile: Highlight your qualifications, experience, and any teaching certifications.
  4. Set Your Schedule: Determine your availability and set up your tutoring schedule.
  5. Start Tutoring: Accept students and conduct sessions via video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype. Provide personalized lesson plans and resources.

Tips & Resources:

6. Graphic Design

Create designs for logos, websites, or marketing materials.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Learn Graphic Design Software: Familiarize yourself with tools like Adobe Creative Cloud, Canva, or GIMP.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Create sample designs for imaginary or real clients. Showcase these on a personal website or portfolio sites like Behance or Dribbble.
  3. Join Freelance Platforms: Sign up on Upwork, Fiverr, and 99designs. Create a profile that highlights your design skills and portfolio. I paid a designer from 99designs $1,299 for my latest book cover & it took them only a few hours to create!
  4. Bid on Projects: Look for design projects that match your skills and submit proposals.
  5. Deliver High-Quality Work: Communicate with clients to understand their needs and deliver designs that exceed their expectations.

Tips & Resources:

7. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

Offer pet care services in your local area.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Define Your Services: Decide whether you offer pet sitting, dog walking, or both. Determine your rates and services.
  2. Advertise Locally: Use flyers, community boards, and local social media groups to promote your services.
  3. Sign Up on Pet Care Platforms: Join websites like Rover and Wag!. Create a profile with details about your experience and love for animals.
  4. Meet and Greet: Offer free meet-and-greet sessions with potential clients and their pets to establish trust.
  5. Provide Excellent Care: Ensure you follow the pet owner’s instructions and provide updates during the care period.

Tips & Resources:

8. House Sitting

Take care of homes while owners are away.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create a Profile: Join house-sitting networks like TrustedHousesitters or House Sitters America. Create a detailed profile showcasing your trustworthiness and any relevant experience.
  2. Advertise Your Services: Use local ads and word-of-mouth to promote your house-sitting services.
  3. Provide References: Offer references and background checks to reassure clients of your reliability.
  4. Meet Homeowners: Meet potential clients to discuss their needs and expectations.
  5. Care for Homes: Follow the homeowner’s instructions, ensure the property is secure, and provide regular updates.

Tips & Resources:

9. Handyman Services

Provide basic repair and maintenance services.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Your Skills: Determine what repairs and maintenance tasks you can perform, such as plumbing, electrical work, painting, or general repairs.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Document your past work with before-and-after photos. Gather testimonials from satisfied clients.
  3. Advertise Locally: Use flyers, local newspapers, and online community boards to promote your services.
  4. Join Service Platforms: Sign up on TaskRabbit and Thumbtack. Create a profile detailing your skills and experience.
  5. Offer Competitive Pricing: To attract clients, start with lower rates and gradually increase them as you build a reputation.

Tips & Resources:

10. Lawn Care

Offer lawn mowing, gardening, or landscaping services.

After college, I bought a rusted-out old trailer & a riding mower, as well as some weed eaters, push mowers, hedge trimmers, etc. I spray-painted the trailer to match my SUV and stenciled my company name.

I built a nice website & ran Google ads to generate leads, printed out flyers, drove to the most expensive neighborhoods in the Denver area, and knocked on doors until I started landing clients.

At the end of the summer, I sold the used equipment, website, and client list for over 3 times what I spent on it, not to mention earning as much as $800/day throughout the summer.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Purchase Basic Equipment: If you don’t already have it, buy or borrow lawn care equipment like a mower, trimmer, and gardening tools.
  2. Advertise Locally: Promote your services using flyers, local ads, and social media. Offer a discount for first-time customers.
  3. Join Service Platforms: Sign up on platforms like GreenPal to connect with clients.
  4. Offer a Range of Services: Additional services like garden maintenance, hedge trimming, or seasonal cleanup.
  5. Build a Client Base: Start with your neighborhood and expand through word-of-mouth and referrals.

Tips & Resources:

11. Delivery Driver

Work for delivery services like Uber Eats, DoorDash, or Postmates.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Sign Up on Delivery Platforms: Visit Uber Eats, DoorDash, or Postmates’ websites and complete the sign-up process, which includes background checks and vehicle inspections.
  2. Download the App: Install the delivery app on your smartphone and familiarize yourself with its features.
  3. Set Your Availability: Determine when you can work and set your schedule in the app.
  4. Start Accepting Orders: Once approved, accept delivery requests and follow the app’s instructions for picking up and delivering orders.
  5. Optimize Your Routes: Use navigation apps like Google Maps or Waze to find the quickest routes and avoid traffic.

Tips & Resources:

12. Rideshare Driver

Drive for Uber or Lyft in your spare time.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Sign Up on Rideshare Platforms: Visit the Uber or Lyft websites and complete the sign-up process, which includes background checks and vehicle inspections.
  2. Download the App: Install the Uber or Lyft driver app on your smartphone and familiarize yourself with its features.
  3. Set Your Availability: Determine when you can work and set your schedule in the app.
  4. Start Accepting Rides: Once approved, accept ride requests and follow the app’s instructions for picking up and dropping off passengers.
  5. Provide Excellent Service: To receive high ratings, keep your car clean, offer amenities like water or phone chargers, and provide friendly service.

Tips & Resources:

13. Selling Handmade Crafts

Sell handmade items on Etsy or at local craft fairs.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create Handmade Items: Decide what crafts you will make, such as jewelry, home decor, or clothing. Focus on quality and uniqueness.
  2. Set Up an Etsy Shop: Create an Etsy account and set up your shop. Take high-quality photos of your items and write detailed descriptions.
  3. Price Your Items: Research similar products to determine competitive pricing—factor in the cost of materials, time, and shipping.
  4. Promote Your Shop: Promote your shop using social media, local craft fairs, and word-of-mouth. Consider offering discounts or promotions to attract customers.
  5. Manage Orders: Stay organized with inventory and promptly fulfill orders. Provide excellent customer service to receive positive reviews.

Tips & Resources:

14. Print on Demand

Create and sell custom designs on items like T-shirts and mugs through print-on-demand services.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Sign Up on Print-on-Demand Platforms: Join websites like Printful, Redbubble, or Teespring.
  2. Create Unique Designs: Use graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator or Canva to create designs for T-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and more.
  3. Upload Designs: Upload your designs to the print-on-demand platform and choose the products you want to sell.
  4. Set Prices: Determine your profit margins and competitive prices for your products.
  5. Promote Your Products: Promote your products using social media, a personal website, and online ads. If you have a solid personal brand, marketing your “merch” can be as easy as posting a short video on your favorite platforms and sending customers to the link in your bio.

Tips & Resources:

15. Photography

Offer photography services for events, portraits, or sell stock photos.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your best work. Include a variety of shots to demonstrate your versatility.
  2. Set Up a Website: Create a professional website to display your portfolio, list your services, and provide contact information.
  3. Promote Your Services: Promote your photography services using social media, local ads, and word-of-mouth. Offer discounts for first-time clients.
  4. Offer Packages: Create packages for different photography services, such as weddings, portraits, or commercial shoots.
  5. Sell Stock Photos: Join stock photo platforms like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock to sell your photos.

Tips & Resources:

16. Rent Out a Room

List a spare room on Airbnb or other short-term rental platforms.

You can even rent out a spare parking space using the Neighbor app! This is an affiliate link! (See how easy that is?)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Prepare the Room: Clean and furnish the room to make it inviting for guests. Provide amenities like Wi-Fi, clean linens, and toiletries.
  2. Take High-Quality Photos: Capture the room from different angles to showcase its features.
  3. Create a Listing: Sign up on Airbnb or Vrbo and create a detailed listing with photos and descriptions. Set competitive pricing based on local rates.
  4. Set House Rules: Clearly outline your house rules and expectations for guests.
  5. Accept Bookings: Start accepting bookings and communicate promptly with guests. Provide a warm welcome and be available to answer any questions during their stay.

Tips & Resources:

17. Online Surveys

Participate in paid surveys on websites like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Sign Up on Survey Websites: Join multiple survey websites to maximize your earning potential. Popular sites include Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and InboxDollars.
  2. Complete Your Profile: Fill out your profile accurately to receive more survey invitations tailored to your demographics.
  3. Take Surveys: Regularly check your email or survey dashboard for available surveys. Complete surveys honestly and thoroughly.
  4. Redeem Rewards: Accumulate points or cash rewards and redeem them through the survey site’s PayPal, gift cards, or other options.

Tips & Resources:

18. Mystery Shopping

Get paid to shop and review customer service.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Sign Up on Mystery Shopping Websites: Join reputable mystery shopping companies like BestMark, Secret Shopper, and Market Force.
  2. Complete Your Profile: Fill out your profile with relevant information to receive assignments that match your demographics.
  3. Accept Assignments: Browse available assignments and select ones that fit your schedule and interests.
  4. Perform Shops: Visit the assigned locations, follow the specific instructions, and evaluate the customer service experience.
  5. Submit Reports: Write detailed reports on your shopping experience and submit them through the mystery shopping platform.

Tips & Resources:

19. E-book Publishing

Write and self-publish e-books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Publishing a book can be difficult to monetize without selling many books. Add a call-to-action (or multiple CTA’s) in your book, inviting readers to hire you to speak, coach, consult, etc., and books can be an incredible “business card” to get you high-quality leads that earn much more than you’ll make selling the book.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Topic: Select a topic you are knowledgeable about or passionate about. Research the market to ensure there is demand for your topic.
  2. Write Your E-book: Create a detailed outline and start writing. Aim for at least 10,000 words for a comprehensive e-book.
  3. Edit and Format: Edit your e-book for clarity, grammar, and readability. Format it according to Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) guidelines.
  4. Design a Cover: Use tools like Canva or hire a professional designer to create an eye-catching cover.
  5. Publish on KDP: Sign up for Amazon KDP, upload your e-book, and set your pricing. You can also choose to enroll in KDP Select for additional promotional benefits.

Tips & Resources:

20. Affiliate Marketing

Promote products and earn a commission for each sale. News Wire Magazine affiliates earn hundreds of dollars per referral!

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Niche: Select a niche that interests you and has profitable affiliate programs. Research products that are in demand within that niche.
  2. Join Affiliate Programs: Sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or ShareASale. Look for high-commission products that align with your niche.
  3. Create Content: Build a website, blog, or social media presence where you can promote your affiliate products. Write product reviews, tutorials, or comparison articles.
  4. Incorporate Affiliate Links: Include affiliate links in your content and be transparent with your audience about the use of affiliate links.
  5. Drive Traffic: Use SEO, social media, and email marketing to drive traffic to your content. The more visitors you have, the higher the chances of earning commissions.

Tips & Resources:

21. Dropshipping

Start an online store without holding inventory, using dropshipping suppliers.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Niche: Research and select a niche with high demand and low competition. Examples include fashion, electronics, and home decor.
  2. Find Suppliers: Use dropshipping platforms like Oberlo, AliExpress, or SaleHoo to find reliable suppliers.
  3. Set Up an Online Store: Create an online store using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Choose a domain name and set up your website.
  4. Import Products: Import products from your chosen suppliers to your online store. Set competitive prices, factoring in your profit margins.
  5. Market Your Store: Use social media, SEO, and paid advertising to drive traffic to your store. Offer promotions and discounts to attract customers.

Tips & Resources:

22. Transcription Services

Convert audio recordings into written text for businesses or individuals.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Develop Typing Skills: Practice regularly to improve your typing speed and accuracy. Aim for at least 60 words per minute.
  2. Sign Up on Transcription Platforms: Join websites like Rev, TranscribeMe, and GoTranscript. Complete any required tests to demonstrate your transcription skills.
  3. Set Up Your Workspace: Ensure you have a quiet environment, a reliable computer, and a good pair of headphones.
  4. Accept Assignments: Start with smaller projects to build your experience and reputation. Gradually take on more complex assignments.
  5. Deliver Quality Transcriptions: Listen carefully, use transcription software if needed, and proofread your work before submission.

Tips & Resources:

23. Online Course Creation

Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Topic: Choose a topic you know a lot about and ensure it is in demand. Research your audience to understand their needs.
  2. Create Course Content: Develop a detailed outline and create engaging content, including videos, quizzes, and assignments. Use high-quality video and audio equipment for recording.
  3. Set Up Your Course: Sign up on platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Coursera. Upload your course content, set pricing, and create a compelling course description.
  4. Promote Your Course: Use social media, your website, and email marketing to promote your course. Offer discounts or free previews to attract students.
  5. Engage with Students: Respond to student queries, update your course regularly, and gather feedback to improve your content.

Tips & Resources:

24. Podcasting

Start a podcast and monetize through sponsorships and advertisements.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Niche: Choose a niche topic that you are passionate about, and that has a potential audience. Research existing podcasts to identify gaps.
  2. Plan Your Episodes: Create an episode outline, including topics, guests, and format. Aim for a consistent posting schedule.
  3. Record and Edit: Use quality recording equipment and software, such as Audacity or GarageBand, to record and edit your episodes.
  4. Host Your Podcast: Sign up on podcast hosting platforms like Libsyn, Anchor, or Podbean. Upload your episodes and create a podcast description.
  5. Promote Your Podcast: Promote your show on social media, your website, and podcast directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Tips & Resources:

25. YouTube Channel

Create a YouTube channel and earn through ad revenue and sponsorships.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Niche: Select a niche that interests you and has growth potential. Research popular channels in that niche.
  2. Create a Channel: Sign up for a YouTube account and create your channel. Customize your channel with a profile picture, banner, and description.
  3. Create Quality Content: Plan your videos, including topics, scripts, and filming locations. Record using good lighting and sound equipment.
  4. Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Create engaging thumbnails and playlists.
  5. Monetize Your Channel: Join the YouTube Partner Program to enable ads on your videos. Look for sponsorships and affiliate opportunities.

Tips & Resources:

26. Stock Trading

Invest in stocks and learn trading to earn profits.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Learn the Basics: Educate yourself on stock trading basics, including how the stock market works, types of stocks, and trading strategies. Use free resources like Investopedia.
  2. Choose a Brokerage: Sign up with an online brokerage platform like Robinhood, E*TRADE, or TD Ameritrade. Compare fees, features, and tools offered by different platforms.
  3. Start with a Demo Account: Practice trading with a demo account to gain experience without risking real money.
  4. Research Stocks: Analyze companies, read financial reports, and stay updated with market news. Use tools like Yahoo Finance or Google Finance.
  5. Make Your First Trade: Start with a small amount and gradually invest more as you gain confidence and experience.

Tips & Resources:

27. Remote Customer Service

Work as a remote customer service representative for companies.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Develop Communication Skills: Improve your communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills. Take online courses if needed.
  2. Search for Jobs: Look for remote customer service jobs on job boards like Indeed,, and FlexJobs. Apply to companies that offer remote work opportunities.
  3. Set Up Your Workspace: Ensure you have a quiet environment, a reliable computer, and a stable internet connection.
  4. Complete Training: Many companies provide training for their customer service roles. Complete the training to understand the company’s products, services, and customer service protocols.
  5. Start Working: Respond to customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests by phone, email, or chat. Provide timely and helpful responses.

Tips & Resources:

28. Language Translation

Offer translation services if you are fluent in multiple languages.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Your Language Pairs: Determine which languages you can translate between fluently. Highlight any specializations, such as legal or medical translation.
  2. Join Translation Platforms: Sign up on platforms like Gengo, TranslatorsCafe, and ProZ. Create a profile showcasing your language skills and experience.
  3. Take Tests: Complete any required proficiency tests to demonstrate your translation abilities.
  4. Apply for Projects: Browse available translation projects and submit proposals. Start with smaller projects to build your reputation.
  5. Deliver Accurate Translations: Ensure your translations are accurate, culturally appropriate, and error-free. If needed, use translation software like SDL Trados.

Tips & Resources:

29. Data Entry

Provide data entry services for businesses.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Improve Typing Skills: Practice regularly to increase your typing speed and accuracy. Aim for at least 60 words per minute.
  2. Join Data Entry Platforms: Sign up on websites like Clickworker, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and Upwork. Complete your profile and list your skills.
  3. Search for Jobs: Browse available data entry jobs and submit proposals. Start with smaller projects to build your experience.
  4. Set Up Your Workspace: Ensure you have a quiet environment, a reliable computer, and a stable internet connection.
  5. Deliver Accurate Work: Pay attention to detail and double-check your entries for accuracy. Meet deadlines and communicate with clients if any issues arise.

Tips & Resources:

30. Personal Shopping

Offer shopping assistance and delivery services.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Define Your Services: Decide whether you will offer grocery shopping, clothing shopping, or both. Determine your rates and services.
  2. Advertise Locally: Promote your services using flyers, community boards, and local social media groups. Offer a discount for first-time customers.
  3. Sign Up on Platforms: Join websites like Instacart and TaskRabbit to connect with clients looking for personal shoppers.
  4. Meet Clients: Schedule meetings with potential clients to discuss their needs and preferences.
  5. Shop and Deliver: Follow the client’s instructions, shop for their requested items, and deliver them promptly. Provide updates during the shopping process if needed.

Tips & Resources:

31. Content Editing and Proofreading

Offer editing and proofreading services.

*We’re looking to hire another editor at News Wire Magazine! Reach out if you’d like to apply!

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Improve Language Skills: Enhance your grammar, punctuation, and writing skills. Consider taking online courses if needed.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Offer friends or local businesses free editing services to build your portfolio. Showcase before-and-after samples of your work.
  3. Join Freelance Platforms: Sign up on Scribendi, Upwork, and Freelancer websites. Create a profile highlighting your skills and experience.
  4. Search for Jobs: Browse available editing and proofreading jobs and submit proposals. Start with smaller projects to build your reputation.
  5. Deliver High-Quality Work: Pay attention to detail and ensure your edits improve the content’s clarity, coherence, and overall quality. Use editing software like Grammarly for additional support.

Tips & Resources:

32. Voiceover Work

Provide voiceover services for commercials, videos, and audiobooks.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Develop Your Voice: Practice reading scripts and recording your voice. If necessary, take voiceover training to improve your skills.
  2. Create a Demo Reel: Record voiceover samples to showcase your vocal range and abilities. Include different styles, such as commercials, narration, and character voices.
  3. Join Voiceover Platforms: Sign up on websites like, Fiverr, and Voice123. Create a profile highlighting your skills and a demo reel.
  4. Search for Jobs: Browse available voiceover jobs and submit auditions. Start with smaller projects to build your experience.
  5. Deliver High-Quality Recordings: Ensure your recordings are clear and free of background noise. Use professional recording equipment and editing software like Audacity.

Tips & Resources:

33. Event Planning

Help organize and plan events like parties, weddings, and corporate events.

My good friend Tonni Lea landed her first big client only days after starting her event planning business in Texas!

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Your Services: Decide what types of events you will plan and what services you will offer, such as venue selection, catering, and decorations.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Plan events for friends or family to build your portfolio. Document each event with photos and testimonials.
  3. Advertise Locally: Use flyers, local newspapers, and social media to promote your services. Join local business networks to connect with potential clients.
  4. Join Event Planning Platforms: Sign up on websites like Eventbrite and Thumbtack to find clients looking for event planners.
  5. Provide Exceptional Service: Listen to your clients’ needs, stay organized, and execute every detail flawlessly. Gather feedback to improve your services.

Tips & Resources:

34. Resume Writing

Assist job seekers by crafting and improving their resumes and cover letters.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Learn Resume Writing: Study the latest trends in resume writing and what employers look for. Consider taking online courses or earning certifications.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Offer free resume writing services to friends or local job seekers to build your portfolio. Showcase before-and-after samples of your work.
  3. Join Freelance Platforms: Sign up on, Upwork, and Fiverr. Create a profile highlighting your skills and experience.
  4. Search for Jobs: Browse available resume writing jobs and submit proposals. Start with smaller projects to build your reputation.
  5. Deliver High-Quality Resumes: Ensure your resumes are well-structured, keyword-optimized, and tailored to the job seeker’s target industry.

Tips & Resources:

35. Subscription Box Curator

Curate and sell subscription boxes for niche markets.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Niche: Select a niche market you are passionate about, such as beauty products, fitness gear, or gourmet snacks. Research your target audience to understand their preferences.
  2. Source Products: Find suppliers or manufacturers for the products you want to include in your subscription boxes. Negotiate wholesale prices to maximize your profit margins.
  3. Create a Website: Set up an e-commerce website using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Include detailed descriptions and high-quality photos of your subscription boxes.
  4. Launch Your Subscription Box: Offer different subscription plans (monthly, quarterly, etc.) and set competitive pricing. To attract new customers, offer discounts for first-time subscribers.
  5. Promote Your Subscription Box: Promote your subscription box using social media, email marketing, and influencer partnerships. Gather testimonials and reviews to build credibility.

Tips & Resources:

36. Rent Your Car or Motorcycle

Rent out your car when you’re not using it through peer-to-peer car rental services.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Platform: To rent a vehicle, sign up on peer-to-peer car rental platforms like Turo or Getaround, or sign up for Riders Share to rent a motorcycle.
  2. Create a Listing: Take high-quality photos of your car and create a detailed listing that includes the car’s make, model, year, features, and rental rates.
  3. Set Availability: Determine when your car will be available for rent and update your availability on the platform.
  4. Prepare Your Car: Ensure your car is clean and well-maintained. Provide any necessary accessories, such as phone chargers or navigation systems.
  5. Respond to Renters: Communicate promptly with potential renters, answer their questions, and confirm bookings.

Tips & Resources:

37. Online Fitness Coaching

Provide virtual fitness coaching and workout plans.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Get Certified: Obtain a fitness certification from a recognized organization like ACE, NASM, or ISSA.
  2. Define Your Services: Decide whether you will offer one-on-one coaching, group sessions, or customized workout plans. Determine your rates.
  3. Create a Website: Create a professional website to showcase your services, qualifications, and client testimonials. Include a booking system for sessions.
  4. Market Your Services: Use social media, fitness forums, and local ads to promote your services. Offer a free initial consultation or trial session to attract clients.
  5. Conduct Sessions: Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype can be used to conduct virtual coaching sessions. Provide personalized workout plans and follow-up support.

Tips & Resources:

38. House Cleaning Services

Offer cleaning services to homeowners or businesses.

I have a cleaning lady who comes every week and spends a few hours to earn extra income while her kids are at school. I supply all cleaning supplies, so her only expense is transportation and the time it takes each week.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Define Your Services: Decide whether you will offer residential cleaning, commercial cleaning, or both. Determine your rates and services, such as deep cleaning, regular maintenance, or move-in/move-out cleaning.
  2. Get Supplies: Purchase basic cleaning supplies and equipment, such as vacuum cleaners, mops, cleaning solutions, and gloves.
  3. Advertise Locally: Promote your services using flyers, local newspapers, and community boards. Join local business networks to connect with potential clients.
  4. Join Service Platforms: Sign up on platforms like TaskRabbit and Handy to find cleaning jobs.
  5. Provide Excellent Service: Arrive on time, follow clients’ instructions, and ensure thorough cleaning. Gather feedback and testimonials to build your reputation.

Tips & Resources:

39. Freelance Coding

Provide coding and programming services for websites, apps, or software.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Learn to Code: Choose a programming language to specialize in, such as Python, JavaScript, or Ruby. Use online resources like Codecademy, Coursera, or Udemy to learn and practice coding.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Create sample projects to showcase your skills. This can include websites, apps, or small software programs.
  3. Join Freelance Platforms: Sign up on Upwork, Fiverr, and Toptal websites. Create a profile highlighting your skills, experience, and portfolio.
  4. Bid on Projects: Search for coding projects that match your skills and submit proposals. Start with smaller projects to build your reputation.
  5. Deliver High-Quality Code: Ensure your code is clean, well-documented, and meets the client’s requirements. Communicate regularly with clients to provide updates and address any issues.

Tips & Resources:

40. Digital Marketing Consulting

Offer advice and strategies to improve online marketing efforts for small businesses.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Gain Knowledge: Learn about different aspects of digital marketing, including SEO, content marketing, social media, email marketing, and PPC advertising. Use online courses from platforms like Coursera, HubSpot Academy, and Google Digital Garage.
  2. Define Your Services: Decide what specific digital marketing services you will offer, such as SEO audits, social media management, or content strategy. Determine your rates.
  3. Create a Website: A professional website showcases your services, qualifications, and case studies. Include a contact form for inquiries.
  4. Market Your Services: Use social media, networking events, and local business directories to promote your services. Offer a free initial consultation to attract clients.
  5. Provide Consulting: Work with clients to analyze their current marketing efforts, develop strategies, and implement improvements. Provide regular reports and updates on progress.

Tips & Resources:

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