Patriot Project

Francis Cook News Wire Magazine Cover
M. Curtis McCoy

Francis Cook – Empowering American Citizens to Defend America’s Freedom

Francis Cook, founder of the Part-Time Patriot Project and Vice Chairman of the Collier County Republican Party, is on a mission to educate citizens about their rights and responsibilities. He empowers individuals to take control of their freedoms by understanding America’s founding documents and getting involved in local politics. This article covers Francis Cook’s journey into politics, the goals of the Part-Time Patriot Project, and actionable steps for making an impact in your community. Francis Cook’s Journey into Politics Francis Cook’s interest in politics began at 18, during the 2000 presidential election. He was drawn to third-party candidate Ralph Nader, who was excluded from the debates, and his curiosity about the political process grew from there. Cook’s deeper political involvement started in 2007 after moving to Naples, Florida, where he encountered Ron Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign. Inspired by Paul’s stance against the Iraq War, Francis Cook joined a local group

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